Categories: Virtual Star Party

Virtual Star Party – March 16, 2014

Host: Fraser Cain & Scott Lewis
Astronomers: David Dickinson, Gary Gonella, Mark Behrendt, Roy Salisbury, Stuart Forman

Tonight’s Views (and recent photos):
Fading Jupiter with two moons – Ganymede & Io casting shadows
Horsehead and Flame Nebula
Rosette Nebula, b/w and false color
Moon surface
Beehive Cluster
“Sideways” Jupiter
Moon full view
NCG 891
Tadpole Nebula SH2 236
M53, blurry and low
Mars, blurry and right on the horizon
Jellyfish Nebula IC443
M81 & M82
M36 Open Cluster
Castor double star
Running Man Nebula

We hold the Virtual Star Party every Sunday night as a live Google+ Hangout on Air. We begin the show when it gets dark on the West Coast. If you want to get a notification, make sure you circle the Virtual Star Party on Google+. You can watch on our YouTube channel or here on Universe Today.

Fraser Cain

Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today. He's also the co-host of Astronomy Cast with Dr. Pamela Gay. Here's a link to my Mastodon account.

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