Voyager 2

What Voyager 2 Learned After Spending a Year in Interstellar Space

Only two of humanity's spacecraft have left the Solar System: NASA's Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Voyager 1 left the…

5 years ago

NASA has Figured Out How to Extend the Lives of the Voyagers Even Longer

Voyagers 1 and 2 have the distinction of being in space for 42 years and still operating. And even though…

5 years ago

Finally! Voyager 2 is Now in Interstellar Space

The Voyager 2 recently crossed the outer boundary of the heliosphere, where it joins the Voyager 1 spacecraft in interstellar…

6 years ago

Is Time To Go Back to Uranus and Neptune? Revisiting Ice Giants of the Solar System

We’ve only seen Uranus and Neptune one time up close. There are now some mission ideas in the works that…

7 years ago

What About a Mission to Titan?

Europa is fine and all, but where we really need to go is Saturn's moon Titan. Let's look at some…

7 years ago

If it Wasn’t Already Strange Enough, now Saturn’s Hexagon Storm is Changing Color

Recent images from the Cassini space probe show that Saturn's hexagonal polar storm is changing, which may be due to…

8 years ago

What Is The Surface of Neptune Like?

As a gas giant, Neptune has no surface, in the traditional sense. But atop its cloud layers, some pretty amazing…

8 years ago

How Long Does It Take to Get to Jupiter?

We’re focused on Mars and Pluto, but what about Jupiter? Doesn’t the biggest planet in the Solar System deserve a…

8 years ago

10 Interesting Facts About Neptune

Here are ten of the more interesting facts about the gas/ice giant known as Neptune. Some you may know, others…

9 years ago

Uranus’ “Sprightly” Moon Ariel

The outer Solar System has enough mysteries and potential discoveries to keep scientists busy for decades. Case in point, Uranus…

9 years ago