Transit Method

NASA is Building a Space Telescope to Observe Exoplanet Atmospheres

The exoplanet census continues to grow. Currently, 5,819 exoplanets have been confirmed in 4,346 star systems, while thousands more await…

3 weeks ago

Could the ESA’s PLATO Mission Find Earth 2.0?

Currently, 5,788 exoplanets have been confirmed in 4,326 star systems, while thousands more candidates await confirmation. So far, the vast…

2 months ago

Exoplanet Discovered in a Binary System Could Explain Why Red Dwarfs Form Massive Planets

In recent years, the number of known extrasolar planets (aka. exoplanets) has grown exponentially. To date, 5,799 exoplanets have been…

4 months ago

This Hot Jupiter is Doomed to Crash Into its Star in Just Three Million Years

In 2008, astronomers with the SuperWASP survey spotted WASP-12b as it transited in front of its star. At the time,…

11 months ago

Hubble Succeeds Where TESS Couldn’t: It Measured the Nearest Transiting Earth-Sized Planet

Twenty-two light-years away, a rocky world orbits a red dwarf. It's called LTT 1445Ac, and NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite…

1 year ago

The Most Compelling Places to Search for Life Will Look Like “Anomalies”

A new study considers how future astrobiology studies could search for life "as we don't know it" on exoplanets.

1 year ago

The PLATO Mission Could be the Most Successful Planet Hunter Ever

A new study estimates how many exoplanets the ESA's PLATO mission will discover during its four-year run, with encouraging results!

2 years ago

Watching the Watchers With Nancy Grace Roman

Astronomers have discovered thousands of planets using the transit technique, watching how distant stars dim as a planet passes in…

2 years ago

Can We Predict if a System Will Have Giant Planets?

Prediction is one of the hallmarks of scientific endeavors. Scientists pride themselves on being able to predict physical realities based…

2 years ago

This Hot Jupiter is Leaving a Swirling Tail of Helium in its Wake

In a recent study published in Science Advances, a team of researchers commissioned the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), which is designed…

2 years ago