tess exoplanet

TESS Finds its First Rogue Planet

Well over 5,000 planets have been found orbiting other star systems. One of the satellites hunting for them is TESS,…

10 months ago

TESS Reaches Fifth Anniversary of Extraordinary Mission, but its Work is Far from Over

NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission recently reached its fifth anniversary of service to humanity as it continues to…

2 years ago

TESS Finds a Planet That Orbits Two Stars

Researchers working with data from NASA's TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) have a found a planet that orbits two stars.…

5 years ago

On the Road to One Thousand Exoplanets

A quiet milestone in modern astronomy may soon come to pass.  As of today, The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia lists a…

11 years ago