Stuart Atkinson

A Stunning Look at the Cliffs of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Images from space don't get more dramatic than this. Image processing wizard Stuart Atkinson zoomed in on one of the…

10 years ago

Astro Poetry: The First Starship

Our favorite astro-poet, Stuart Atkinson, has written a wonderful ode to Voyager 1 in commemoration of the spacecraft reaching interstellar…

11 years ago

Guest Post: Comet Kerfuffle

An image generated from Starry Night software of how Comet ISON may look on November 22, 2013 from the UK.…

12 years ago

Planetary Conjunction Mashup

A Boulder Side of Venus - Conjunctions 2012 from Patrick Cullis on Vimeo. So far, 2012 has brought us a…

12 years ago

Astrophoto: Venus Above Kendal Castle

[/caption] Thanks to our pal Stu Atkinson for braving the elements and risking life and limb to capture this image:…

13 years ago

It’s Noctilucent Cloud Season!

[/caption] It's summer (well, OK, technically next week it is summer) but it's the time of year that northern latitudes…

14 years ago

Gorgeous Venus-Moon Conjunction Images

[/caption] A clear night, a crescent Moon, Venus, and an ancient castle. What more could you ever want? Our pal…

14 years ago