solar flares

Solar Orbiter Records a Stunning Timelapse of Solar Activity as it Completes its Latest Flyby

The sun is currently sleeping. Its surface and corona are relatively quiet as it prepares to ramp up for an…

2 years ago

Not Just a Planet Hunter. TESS Found Over 25,000 Flaring Stars

One of the beauties of modern-day space telescopes is that the data they produce, which is eventually wholly released to…

2 years ago

During a Solar Flare, Dark Voids Move Down Towards the Sun. Now We Know Why

Solar flares are complex phenomena. They involve plasma, electromagnetic radiation across all wavelengths, activity in the Sun's atmosphere layers, and…

2 years ago

Good News! Red Dwarfs Blast Their Superflares out the Poles, Sparing Their Planets From Destruction

The stellar flares of red dwarfs are mostly directed from their poles, which is good news for potentially habitable planets.

3 years ago

The Sun is Mellow Yellow Today. Billions of Years Ago? Not So Much

Planetary formation theory has been undergoing a lot of changes recently, with an ever expanding litany of events that can…

3 years ago

A Recent Megaflare Shows that Proxima Centauri is not a Nice Place to Live

A new international research effort observed a massive solar flare from Proxima Centauri, which indicates (yet again) that its not…

3 years ago

Researchers Discover the Source of the Sun’s Most Dangerous High-Energy Particles

Sometimes the sun spits out high-energy particles which slam into the Earth, potentially disrupting our sensitive electronics. New research has…

3 years ago

Do Ripples on the Surface of the Sun tell us that a Flare is Coming?

Flares from the sun are some of the nastiest things in the solar system. When the sun flares, it belches…

4 years ago

New Solar Model Successfully Predicted Seven of the Sun’s Last Nine Big Flares

Since it launched in 2010, the Solar Dynamics Observatory has helped scientists understand how the Sun's magnetic field is generated…

4 years ago

The Sun is less active magnetically than other stars

While the Sun can be active, it is often quite a calm star. We now know it is unusually calm…

4 years ago