Little Red Dots in Webb Photos Turned Out to Be Quasars

In its first year of operation, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) made some profound discoveries. These included providing the…

4 months ago

The Brightest Object Ever Seen in the Universe

It's an exciting time in astronomy today, where records are being broken and reset regularly. We are barely two months…

5 months ago

Astronomers are Getting Really Good at Weighing Baby Supermassive Black Holes

In the 1970s, astronomers deduced that the persistent radio source coming from the center of our galaxy was actually a…

6 months ago

Sometimes Compact Galaxies Hide Their Black Holes

Quasars, short for quasi-stellar objects, are one of the most powerful and luminous classes of objects in our Universe. A…

9 months ago

New Stars Forming Uncomfortably Close to the Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole

Astronomers examining a star cluster near Sgr A*, the Milky Way's supermassive black hole, found that the cluster has some…

10 months ago

A Black Hole Switched On in the Blink of an Eye

A new study describes how astronomers discovered a supermassive black hole that suddenly "switched on" and became

1 year ago

Pulsars Could Help Map the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way

The BlackHoleCam project, part of the Event Horizon Telescope consortium, will use the powerful EHT array to search for pulsars…

1 year ago

eROSITA Sees Changes in the Most Powerful Quasar

An international team of astronomers observed the quasar J1114 in the X-ray band for the first time, revealing things about…

1 year ago

The Largest Explosion Ever Seen in the Universe

Astronomers have witnessed the most powerful supernova on record, which could provide insight into the forces that shape galaxies.

1 year ago

Hypervelocity Stars Teach us About Black Holes and Supernovae

A new study shows how hypervelocity stars could teach us more about the most powerful and mysterious phenomena in the…

1 year ago