red dwarfs

Could Earth Life Survive on a Red Dwarf Planet?

Even though exoplanet science has advanced significantly in the last decade or two, we're still in an unfortunate situation. Scientists…

1 month ago

GJ 367b is Another Dead World Orbiting a Red Dwarf

Red dwarf exoplanet habitability is a hot topic in space science. These small dim stars host lots of exoplanets, including…

4 months ago

Hubble Succeeds Where TESS Couldn’t: It Measured the Nearest Transiting Earth-Sized Planet

Twenty-two light-years away, a rocky world orbits a red dwarf. It's called LTT 1445Ac, and NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite…

5 months ago

Do Red Dwarfs or Sunlike Stars Have More Earth-Sized Worlds?

Earth is our only example of a habitable planet, so it makes sense to search for Earth-size worlds when we're…

6 months ago

Astronomers are Watching a Planet Get its Atmosphere Blasted Away into Space

What do you get when a hot young world orbits a wildly unstable young red dwarf? For AU Microsopii b,…

9 months ago

Are Planets Tidally Locked to Red Dwarfs Habitable? It’s Complicated

Astronomers are keenly interested in red dwarfs and the planets that orbit them. Up to 85% of the stars in…

1 year ago

Two New Rocky Planets Discovered Close to the Solar System

TESS has struck paydirt again. NASA's planet-hunting spacecraft has found two new super-Earths orbiting a star only 33 light-years away.…

2 years ago

It Turns out, We Have a Very Well-Behaved Star

Should we thank our well-behaved Sun for our comfy home on Earth? Some stars behave poorly. They're unruly and emit…

2 years ago

Stellar Flares May Not Condemn a Planet’s Habitability

Red dwarf stars are the most common kind of star in our neighbourhood, and probably in the Milky Way. Because…

3 years ago

Just How Bad are Superflares to a Planet’s Habitability?

Star's can be full of surprises; some of them nasty. While our own Sun appears pretty placid, science has shown…

4 years ago