Project Lyra

Tiny Swarming Spacecraft Could Establish Communications with Proxima Centauri

New research from the Institute for Interstellar Studies explains how swarms of thousands of tiny spacecraft could maintain communications with…

10 months ago

Laser-Powered Sails Would be Great for Exploring the Solar System too

A new study from UCLA shows how laser-driven light sails could be a cost-effective method for exploring the Solar System…

2 years ago

If Launched by 2028, a Spacecraft Could Catch up With Oumuamua in 26 Years

A new study by the Institute of Interstellar Studies (i4is) shows that with the right maneuver, a spacecraft could catch…

3 years ago

There Should be About 7 Interstellar Objects Passing Through the Inner Solar System Every Year

A new study led by the Initiative for Interstellar Studies (i4is) has found that interstellar objects like 'Oumuamua visit our…

3 years ago

We Have the Technology to Retrieve a Sample From an Interstellar Object Like Oumuamua

A white paper submitted to the 2023 - 2032 Decadal Survey recommends we create spacecraft that could rendezvous and take…

4 years ago

Could We Intercept Interstellar Comet C/2019 Q4 Borisov?

A recent study by members of i4is shows how we could intercept future interstellar visitors using existing technology.

5 years ago

Project Lyra, a Mission to Chase Down that Interstellar Asteroid

Members of Project Lyra recently published a study advocating a mission to `Oumuamua, the first interstellar asteroid discovered to date.

7 years ago