penumbral eclipse

Catch Monday Morning’s Subtle Lunar Eclipse

A penumbral lunar eclipse in the early morning hours of November 30th marks the start of the last eclipse season…

4 years ago

This Weekend’s Challenging Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Rounds Out the Summer Season

The July 4th Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Ends a Rare Triple Eclipse Season

5 years ago

Our Guide to this Friday’s Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Ready for the first lunar eclipse of the year? The first eclipse season of 2020 comes to an end Friday,…

5 years ago

Watch the Moon Make a Pass at Earth’s Shadow, Then Kiss Regulus This Valentine’s Weekend

In the southern hemisphere this weekend in the 'Land of Oz?' Are you missing out on the passage of Comet…

8 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Sept 16, 2016: Universe Sandbox

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guests: This week's guests will be the Universe Sandbox Developers Dan Dixon (Project Lead &…

8 years ago

An Impalpable Penumbral Eclipse

Great ready for the final eclipse of 2016, with a penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16th visible from Europe to…

8 years ago

See All Five Naked Eye Planets in the Dusk Sky at Once

Hosting an evening star party this summer? Then you're in for a treat. Starting this week, all five naked eye…

9 years ago

A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Leads the Way to Easter Weekend

The first Full Moon after the vernal equinox not only sets us up for Easter this weekend, but features an…

9 years ago

This Week’s Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and the Astronomy of Columbus

You can always count on an eclipse to get you out of a delicate situation. Today is Columbus Day in…

11 years ago

A Wacky Distorted View of the Recent Solar Eclipse

Just when we’d thought that we’ve seen every possible type of eclipse image, we’re happily surprised by the Universe. If…

12 years ago