Peggy Whitson

Space Station Trio Touches Down on Earth as NASA’s Next Cargo Ship Targets Apr. 18 Blastoff

Comings and goings continue apace on the International Space Station! After living and working fruitfully for six months in space…

7 years ago

SpaceX Dragon Arrives at Space Station with Tons of Earth and Human Science Experiments

KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, FL - A SpaceX Dragon supply ship jam packed with more than 2.5 tons of critical science…

7 years ago

Merry Christmas From Space 2016

As we celebrate the Christmas tidings of 2016 here on Earth, a lucky multinational crew of astronauts and cosmonauts celebrate…

8 years ago

Can A Mega-Magnetic Field Protect Astronauts From Radiation?

A bunch of people really, really want to go to the Red Planet on the proposed one-way Mars One trip;…

10 years ago

Peggy Whitson: A Heroine of Science and Technology

[/caption] This post is part of Ada Lovelace Day, which is a worldwide effort to get as many people as…

14 years ago

“Suits and Ties” Collaborate on Successful Space Station Repair

At the end of Wednesday's successful spacewalk to change out a faulty motor on one of the International Space Station's…

16 years ago

Happy Holidays in Space

NASA is encouraging Earthlings to send a holiday greeting to the members of Expedition 16 on board the International Space…

17 years ago