Meteor Showers

The Geminids Will be Peaking on December 14th. They’re Usually the Most Active Meteor Shower Every Year

Meteor showers are a great way to share a love of astronomy with those who might not be as familiar…

2 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 452: Summer Observing Challenges

Summer is almost here, and for the northern hemisphere, that means warm nights for observing. But what to observe? We're…

7 years ago

Explody Eta Aquarid Meteor Caught in the Act

An Eta Aquarid meteor captured on video by astrophotographer Justin Ng shows an amazing explodingred meteor and what is known…

7 years ago

‘Explody’ Taurid Meteors Produce Persistent Trains

“The landscape was just at the verge of trying to silently explode with vibrant colors of red, gold and oranges,”…

9 years ago

Midway Between Storms: Our Guide to the 2014 Leonid Meteors

If there’s one meteor shower that has the potential to bring on a storm of epic proportions, it’s the Leonids.…

10 years ago

More Camelopardalids: Persistent Trains and that Satellite Fuel Dump Cloud

The first ever Camelopardalids Meteor Shower ended up being more of a drizzle than a shower, said astrophotographer John Chumack.…

10 years ago

Astrophotos: Views of the Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower

Did those of you in the northern hemisphere have a chance to look for the Delta Aquarid meteors? Ever-faithful astronomer…

11 years ago

Watch for the Delta Aquarid Meteors This Weekend

The meteor shower drought ends this weekend. The northern summer hemisphere meteor season is almost upon us. In a few…

11 years ago

Observing Alert: Rare Meteor Shower May ‘Outburst’ on June 11

Back on June 11, 1930 three members of the American Meteor Society (AMS) in Maryland saw a half-hour-long bright outburst of meteors…

11 years ago

June Arietids – The Invisible Meteor Shower You Just Might See

I've never seen an Arietid meteor and chances are you haven't either. Peaking on June 7-8, the Arietid (AIR-ee-uh-tid) meteor shower is…

11 years ago