max planck institute for extraterrestrial physics

eROSITA All-Sky Survey Takes the Local Hot Bubble’s Temperature

About half a century ago, astronomers theorized that the Solar System is situated in a low-density hot gas environment. This…

3 weeks ago

eROSITA Sees Changes in the Most Powerful Quasar

An international team of astronomers observed the quasar J1114 in the X-ray band for the first time, revealing things about…

2 years ago

The Milky Way has an Inner Ring, Just Outside the Core

Combining data from the APOGEE survey and the Gaia Observatory with sophisticated models, a team of scientists has found a…

3 years ago

A Nearby Dwarf Galaxy has a Surprisingly Massive Black Hole in its Heart

New research from UT Austin shows that dwarf galaxies - like our neighbor, Leo I - also have massive black…

3 years ago

Those are Exoplanets. You’re Looking at Actual Exoplanets 63 Light-Years Away!

By combining two exoplanet detection methods for the first time ever, the GRAVITY collaboration has confirmed the existence of a…

4 years ago

Galaxies Swell due to Explosive Action of New Stars

A new study by an international team of scientists has revealed that modern galaxy shapes may be the result of…

7 years ago

Rainbow Pictures Of Milky Way Show Off Galaxy’s Structure

Thanks to a new analysis of pictures obtained by a telescope in Chile, astronomers are gaining a better understanding of…

11 years ago