Mars Society

How Startups on Earth Could Blaze a Trail for Cities on Mars

If future explorers manage to set up communities on Mars, how will they pay their way? What’s likely to be…

5 months ago

Learning to Live Sustainably on the Red Planet: Habitat Mars

As the only Mars analog environment in the Southern hemisphere, Habitat Marte is conducting research that will allow humans to…

4 years ago

Welcome to Mars! – Hi-SEAS and Mars Society Kick Off New Season of Missions

The Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (aka. Hi-SEAS) - a human spaceflight analog for Mars located on the slopes of…

10 years ago

Mars Society Proposes A Year-Long Arctic Mission To Better Prepare for the Red Planet

The Arctic's a lot like Mars, according to the Mars Society. It's cold, it's isolated, and it's kind of dangerous.…

11 years ago