interstellar objects

The World's Largest Digital Camera is Complete. It Will Go Into the Vera Rubin Observatory

The Vera C. Rubin Observatory, formerly the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), was formally proposed in 2001 to create an…

4 months ago

When an Object Like ‘Oumuamua Comes Around Again, We Could be Ready With an Interstellar Object Explorer (IOE)

On October 19th, 2017, astronomers with the Pann-STARRS survey observed an Interstellar Object (ISO) passing through our system - 1I/2017…

5 months ago

The Vera Rubin’s Keen Eye On Our Solar System Will Inspire Future Missions

When the interstellar object (ISO) Oumuamua appeared in our Solar System in 2017, it generated a ton of interest. The…

6 months ago

NASA Invests in New Nuclear Rocket Concept for the Future of Space Exploration and Astrophysics

In the coming years, NASA plans to send several astrobiology missions to Venus and Mars to search for evidence of…

6 months ago

Vera Rubin Observatory Could Find Up to 70 Interstellar Objects a Year

Astronomers have discovered two known interstellar objects (ISO), ‘Oumuamua and 21/Borisov. But there could be thousands of these objects passing…

9 months ago

If Rogue Planets are Everywhere, How Could We Explore Them?

A new study estimates there could be hundreds of rogue planets nearby that we could explore for signs of extraterrestrial…

12 months ago

We Could Spread Life to the Milky Way With Comets. But Should We?

Here's a thorny problem: What if life doesn't always appear on planets that can support it? What if we find…

2 years ago

We’ll Inevitably see Another Interstellar Object. Which Ones Make the Best Targets to Visit?

We finally have the technological means to detect interstellar objects. We've detected two in the last few years, 'Oumuamua and…

2 years ago

Upcoming Missions Could Search for Ancient Alien Technology Within the Solar System

In a recent report, researchers with the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center recommend that we search for extraterrestrial intelligence here…

2 years ago

Alien Artifacts Could Be Hidden Across the Solar System. Here’s how we Could Search for Them.

Do aliens exist? Almost certainly. The universe is vast and ancient, and our corner of it is not particularly special.…

2 years ago