Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (Hi-SEAS)

This is the Habitat in Hawaii Helping Astronauts Preparing to Explore Mars

The NASA-funded Hawai’i Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (Hi-SEAS) program is preparing astronauts for long-term missions to Mars, which could…

6 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Jan 31, 2018: Andrzej Stewart of the Hi-SEAS IV Mars Simulation Mission

Hosts: Fraser Cain (universetoday.com / @fcain) Dr. Paul M. Sutter (pmsutter.com / @PaulMattSutter) Dr. Kimberly Cartier (KimberlyCartier.org / @AstroKimCartier )…

6 years ago

Can We Get Space Madness?

If science fiction has taught us anything, it’s that nothing makes a person go crazier than the harsh isolation of…

8 years ago

Welcome to Mars! – Hi-SEAS and Mars Society Kick Off New Season of Missions

The Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (aka. Hi-SEAS) - a human spaceflight analog for Mars located on the slopes of…

10 years ago