extra-terrestrial intelligence

Maybe Self-Replicating Robot Probes are Destroying Each Other. That’s Why We Don’t See Them

A new study takes a look at the Fermi Paradox by considering the possibility that alien von Neumann probes could…

5 years ago

Interstellar Objects like Oumuamua Probably Crash into the Sun Every 30 Years or so and 2 Pass Within the Orbit of Mercury

A new study by a team of Harvard scientists reveals how we could study future interstellar visitors like 'Oumuamua

6 years ago

There Could be Hundreds of Interstellar Asteroids and Comets in the Solar System Right Now That we Could Study

According to a new study, there could be hundreds of identifiable objects in our Solar System like 'Oumuamua, some of…

6 years ago

Could ‘Oumuamua Be an Extraterrestrial Solar Sail?

A new study by researchers from the CfA offers a compelling explanation for 'Oumuamua strange appearance and behavior - could…

6 years ago

Astronomers find Planet Vulcan – 40 Eridani A – Right Where Star Trek Predicted it.

One of the more interesting and rewarding aspects of astronomy and space exploration is seeing science fiction become science fact.…

6 years ago

The Tools Humanity Will Need for Living in the Year 1 Trillion

A recent paper by Harvest professor Dr. Abraham Loeb takes another look at an issue he has been addressing for…

6 years ago

New Model Predicts That We’re Probably the Only Advanced Civilization in the Observable Universe

According to a new study by three famed scientists, the Fermi Paradox may have a simple resolution - humanity is…

6 years ago

How an Advanced Civilization Could Stop Dark Energy From Preventing Their Future Exploration

In a new study, an astrophysicist proposed how an advanced civilization might survive the inevitable expansion of the Universe, and…

6 years ago

One Way to Find Aliens Would be to Search for Artificial Rings of Satellites: Clarke Belts

In a new study, astrophysicist Hector Socas-Navarro proposes searching for aliens by looking for signs of dense satellite rings around…

6 years ago

Does Climate Change Explain Why We Don’t See Any Aliens Out There?

Addressing the Fermi Paradox, a team of researchers recently conducted a study predicts whether or not Climate Change may be…

6 years ago