ExoMars TGO

Remember that “Alien Signal” Sent by the ExoMars Orbiter Last Year? It’s Just Been Decoded

In May 2023, the ESA's Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), currently in orbit around Mars, sent a signal to Earth…

3 months ago

The Bottom of Valles Marineris Seems to Have Water Mixed in With the Regolith

According to data obtained by ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter, it looks like there's plenty of water ice at the bottom…

3 years ago

This Crater on Mars Traps the Cold, and Remains Filled With Ice, All Year Round

Just in time for the holidays, the ESO's Mars Express mission revealed a breathtaking image of a Martian crater that…

6 years ago

Remember the Discovery of Methane in the Martian Atmosphere? Now Scientists Can’t Find any Evidence of it, at all

According to recently-reported results from the ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter, it appears that there may not be any methane in…

6 years ago