How Should the World’s Governments Respond if We Detect an Alien Civilization?

Science fiction is the realm where people traditionally wrestle with the idea of contact with an ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence.) But…

2 years ago

Why Would an Alien Civilization Send Out Von Neumann Probes? Lots of Reasons, says a new Study

A new study takes a look at Von Neumann probes and asks the really important questions: "why would aliens send…

2 years ago

What is the Kardashev Scale?

In 1961, Russian-Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev published a paper where he introduced the Kardashev Scale, a means of classifying extraterrestrial…

2 years ago

We’ll Have to Wait About 3,000 Years for a Reply From Intelligent Civilizations

According to a new study by Harvard Professor Loeb and Amir Siraj, it would around 3000 years to hear a…

3 years ago

We Could Detect Alien Civilizations Through Their Interstellar Quantum Communication

A new study by SETI researcher Michael Hippke suggests that we look for advanced species by trying to spot signs…

3 years ago

According to the Math, it’s Highly Unlikely That an Intelligent Civilization is Located at Alpha Centauri

In a new study, a pair of Harvard astrophysicists did the math on whether or not BLC1 is an extraterrestrial…

4 years ago

Beyond “Fermi’s Paradox” XVI: What is the “Dark Forest” Hypothesis?

A recent addition to the list of possible resolutions to the Fermi Paradox: nobody is broadcasting because they don't want…

4 years ago

Beyond “Fermi’s Paradox” XV: What is the Percolation Theory Hypothesis?

Could it be that the reason we haven't met any aliens is because interstellar colonization simply isn't practical? Not exactly…

4 years ago

Beyond “Fermi’s Paradox” V: What is the Aestivation Hypothesis?

Is it possible that the aliens are not hiding, but sleeping and waiting for the Universe to get better?

4 years ago

Seti@home is on Pause. Unfortunately, it’s not Because They’ve Discovered Aliens

After 20 years in operation, SETI@home program recently announced that it is taking a hiatus to sort through the mountain…

4 years ago