
A NASA Rocket Has Finally Found Earth’s Global Electric Field

Scientists have discovered that Earth has a third field. We all know about the Earth's magnetic field. And we all…

3 weeks ago

This Alien Landscape is Actually a Microscopic View of an Atomic Clock

Navigation satellites couldn't accomplish anything without extremely accurate clocks. But a regular clock won't do. Only atomic clocks are accurate…

8 months ago

Electrons Can Get Accelerated to Nearly the Speed of Light As They Interact With the Earth’s Magnetosphere

Electrons serve many purposes in physics.  They are used by some particle accelerators and they underpin our modern world in…

4 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 393: The Standard Model – Leptons & Quarks

Physicists are getting a handle on the structure of the Universe, how everything is made of something else. Molecules are…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 392: The Standard Model – Intro

Humans, cars and planets are made of molecules. And molecules are made of atoms. Atoms are made of protons, neutrons…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 378: Rutherford and Atoms

Physicists knew the interior of the atom contained protons, neutrons and electrons, but they didn't understand exactly how they were…

9 years ago

Astronomy Cast Ep. 335: Photoelectric Effect

Pop quiz. How did Einstein win his Nobel prize? Was it for relativity? Nope, Einstein won the Nobel Prize in…

11 years ago

Technicolor Auroras? A Reality Check

I shoot a lot of pictures of the northern lights. Just like the next photographer, I thrill to the striking…

11 years ago

Minute Physics: Real World Telekinesis

How do magnets affect things at a distance? How does the Sun heat our planet from 93 million miles away?…

12 years ago

What Is An Electron

[/caption] What is an electron? Easily put, an electron is a subatomic particle that carries a negative electric charge. There…

14 years ago