Dyson Swarm

That’s No Planet. Detecting Transiting Megastructures

One of the easiest ways to find exoplanets is using the transit method. It relies upon monitoring the brightness of…

8 months ago

Advanced Civilizations Could be Using Dyson Spheres to Collect Energy From Black Holes. Here’s how we Could Detect Them

Black holes are more than just massive objects that swallow everything around them - they’re also one of the universe’s…

3 years ago

Tabby’s Star Megastructure Mystery Continues To Intrigue

Almost a year later after it was first noticed, the mystery of Tabby's Star and its unusual dimming continues to…

9 years ago

What Are Alien Megastructures?

Did scientists find a giant alien structure around KIC 8462852? Probably not, but if they did, what would these structures…

9 years ago