
DART Made a Surprisingly Big Impact on Dimorphos

NASA’s DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) mission was hailed a success when it collided with its target asteroid Dimorphos last…

5 months ago

Dimorphos is Probably a Piece of Didymos

Last September, NASA purposefully smashed a spacecraft into Dimorphos, a 160m-wide space rock orbiting a larger asteroid named Didymos. The…

9 months ago

ESA’s Hera Mission is Bringing Two Cubesats Along. They’ll Be Landing on Dimorphos

In about one year from now, the European Space Agency will launch its Hera mission. Its destination is the asteroid…

9 months ago

After DART Smashed Into Dimorphos, What Happened to the Larger Asteroid Didymos?

NASA's DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) slammed into asteroid Dimorphos in September 2022, changing its orbital period. Ground and…

9 months ago

DART Had a Surprising Impact on its Target

After NASA's DART mission slammed into asteroid Dimorphous in September 2022, scientists determined the impact caused tons of rock to…

11 months ago

DART Impact Ejected 37 Giant Boulders from Asteroid Dimorphos’ Surface

When the DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft intentionally slammed into asteroid moonlet Dimorphos on September 26, 2022, telescopes around…

1 year ago

Another Look at the Aftermath of DART's Impact Into Dimorphos

When the DART spacecraft slammed into asteroid Dimorphos on September 26, 2022, telescopes worldwide (and in space) were watching as…

1 year ago

Didymos is Spinning So Quickly That Rocks are Detaching at its Equator and Going Into Orbit

Asteroid Didymos is spitting rocks out into space. Last fall, when NASA’s DART mission impacted Didymos’ moon Dimorphos in a…

1 year ago

What Kind of an Impact did DART Have on Dimorphos? The Science Results are Here

NASA has released the preliminary analysis of the DART mission's impact (literally) on Dimorphos!

2 years ago

The Smallest Radar Ever Sent to Space Will Probe the Interior of Dimorphos After its Impact From DART

Are miniature probes the future of deep space exploration? (more…)

2 years ago