The full mosaic from the Cassini imaging team of Saturn on July 19, 2013... the "Day the Earth Smiled"
Just to demonstrate how far-reaching that Saturn snapshot of Earth this year was, the Skopje Astronomical Society (from Macedonia) made a video celebrating “The Day The Earth Smiled”, when the Cassini spacecraft looked at Earth on July 19 and thousands of people made pictures and video showing what they were doing at that time.
Watch the video, then look at some stunning pictures of Saturn below the jump.
Saturn and its rings, as seen from above the planet by the Cassini spacecraft. Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute. Assembled by Gordan Ugarkovic.
Mosaic of Saturn seen in eclipse in September 2006. Earth is the bright dot just inside the F ring at upper left. (CICLOPS/NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSI)A false-color view of Saturn’s storm, as seen through Cassini’s wide-angle camera. The blue bands at the edge are Saturn’s rings. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SSISaturn, its rings and three moons are visible in this image from Cassini. Credit: NASA/ESA
A white storm in Saturn’s northern hemisphere, as seen on Dec. 14, 2010. Credit: Anthony Wesley