
A Pair of CubeSats Using Ground Penetrating Radar Could Map The Interior of Near Earth Asteroids

Characterizing near-Earths asteroids (NEAs) is critical if we hope to eventually stop one from hitting us. But so far, missions…

2 days ago

Swarms of Orbiting Sensors Could Map An Asteroid’s Surface

It seems like every month, a new story appears announcing the discovery of thousands of new asteroids. Tracking these small…

3 weeks ago

ESA’s Tiny Pinhole Thruster is Ready for Production.

Rocket propulsion technology has progressed leaps and bounds since the first weaponised rockets of the Chinese and Mongolian empires. They…

7 months ago

Lost In Space? Just Use Relativity

One of the hardest things for many people to conceptualize when talking about how fast something is going is that…

7 months ago

A Tiny Telescope is Revealing “Hot Jupiter” Secrets

A recent study presented this week at the 2023 meeting of the American Geophysical Union discusses observations of “hot Jupiters”…

7 months ago

Building a Satellite out of Wood? Use Magnolia

Typically when you think of a satellite, you think of a metal box with electronic components inside it. But that…

1 year ago

Pale Blue Successfully Operates its Water-Based Propulsion System in Orbit

New in-space propulsion techniques seem to be popping out of the woodwork. The level of innovation behind moving things around…

1 year ago

NASA is Testing out new Composite Materials for Building Lightweight Solar Sail Supports

Space exploration is driven by technology - sometimes literally in the case of propulsion technologies.  Solar sails are one of…

3 years ago

A Small Satellite With a Solar Sail Could Catch up With an Interstellar Object

When Oumuamua, the first interstellar object ever observed passing through the Solar System, was discovered in 2017, it exhibited some…

3 years ago

Teeny Tiny Space Telescope has Taken Thousands of Pictures of Both Earth and Space

A new nanosat has been quietly snapping over 4500 pictures of the Earth and the sky after its launch on…

3 years ago