black hole

Could We Terraform a Black Hole?

Is there any possible way to take a black hole and terraform it to be a place we could actually…

9 years ago

How Do Stars Go Rogue?

Rogue stars are moving so quickly they’re leaving the Milky Way, and never coming back. How in the Universe could…

9 years ago

What if a Black Hole Met an Antimatter Black Hole?

Would shooting a black hole into an antimatter black hole destroy them both? (more…)

9 years ago

Hubble Captures a Collision in a Black Hole’s “Death Star” Beam

Even the Empire's planet-blasting battle station has nothing compared to the immense energy being fired from the heart of NGC 3862, a supermassive black…

9 years ago

How Do Black Holes Evaporate?

Nothing lasts forever, not even black holes. According to Stephen Hawking, black holes will evaporate over vast periods of time.…

9 years ago

How Can Black Holes Shine?

We hear that black holes absorb all the light that falls into them. And yet, we hear of black holes…

9 years ago

Astronomers Catch A Quasar Shutting Off

Last week, astronomers at Yale University reported seeing something unusual: a seemingly stedfast beacon from the far reaches of the Universe went quiet.…

9 years ago

10 Amazing Facts About Black Holes

Imagine matter packed so densely that nothing can escape. Not a moon, not a planet and not even light. That's…

9 years ago

What Is The Biggest Thing in The Universe?

Think big. Really big. Like, cosmic big. How big can things in the Universe get? Is a galaxy big? What…

9 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – Dec. 19, 2014: Methane on Mars!

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Guests: Morgan Rehnberg ( / @cosmic_chatter) Ramin Skibba (@raminskibba) Alessondra Springmann (@sondy) (more…)

9 years ago