Beta Pictoris b

Webb Blocks the Star to See a Debris Disk Around Beta Pictoris

You think you know someone, then you see them in a slightly different way and BAM, they surprise you. I’m…

8 months ago

Watch an Actual Exoplanet Orbit its Star for 17 Years

Searching for exoplanets is incredibly difficult given their literal astronomical distances from Earth, which is why a myriad of methods…

1 year ago

Those are Exoplanets. You’re Looking at Actual Exoplanets 63 Light-Years Away!

By combining two exoplanet detection methods for the first time ever, the GRAVITY collaboration has confirmed the existence of a…

4 years ago

Direct Observations of a Planet Orbiting a Star 63 Light-Years Away

Using the Very Large Telescope, a team of ESO astronomers directly observed Beta Pictoris b over the course of four…

6 years ago

Watch This Amazing Video of an Exoplanet in Motion

Exoplanet Beta Pic b orbiting Beta Pictoris from Dunlap Institute on Vimeo. Just. Wow. The motion of an alien world,…

9 years ago

Spin! Exoplanet’s Day Finishes Blazing Fast Compared To Earth

Between the time you got to work this morning and the time you leave today -- assuming an eight-hour work…

10 years ago

Giant Planet May Be Lurking In ‘Poisonous’ Gas Around Beta Pictoris

A Saturn-mass planet might be lurking in the debris surrounding Beta Pictoris, new measurements of a debris field around the…

10 years ago

Super-sensitive Camera Captures a Direct Image of an Exoplanet

The world's newest and most powerful exoplanet imaging instrument, the recently-installed Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) on the 8-meter Gemini South…

11 years ago

Exoplanet Confirms Gas Giants Can Form Quickly

[/caption] For the first time, astronomers have been able to directly follow the motion of an exoplanet as it moves…

14 years ago