
A New Tabletop Experiment to Search for Dark Matter

What is Dark Matter? We don't know. At this stage of the game, scientists are busy trying to detect it…

4 months ago

Colliding Neutron Stars are the Ultimate Particle Accelerators

Gamma-ray telescopes observing neutron star collisions might be the key to identifying the composition of dark matter. One leading theory…

5 months ago

Are Pulsars the Key to Finding Dark Matter?

The search for dark matter continues, with astronomers developing new hypotheses to search for this invisible gravitational influence on the…

10 months ago

Dark Matter Might Interact in a Totally Unexpected Way With the Universe

A new theory of Dark Matter suggests that it interact with normal matter in a non-localized way, potentially revolutionizing our…

1 year ago

Gravitational Lensing is Helping to Nail Down Dark Matter

Using gravitational lenses, a team of astronomers showed how axions could be the particle that makes up Dark Matter.

1 year ago

If Axions are Dark Matter, we've got new Hints About Where to Look for Them

A computer simulation of dark matter points to axions being more massive than expected.

2 years ago

Missing Mass? Not on our Watch—Dr. Paul Sutter Explains Dark Matter

In the first episode of a new series with ArsTechnica - Edge of Knowledge - Dr. Paul Sutter explains the…

3 years ago

A Worldwide Search for Dark Matter Fails to Turn up a Signal for This Mysterious Particle

A global search for dark matter turns up nothing, but than in itself is useful.

3 years ago

WIMPS vs. Axions: What is dark matter?

Dark matter rules every galaxy. But what exactly is it? Astronomers believe it to be some kind of new, exotic…

3 years ago

One Idea to Explain Dark Matter – Ultralight Bosons – Fails the Test

A study of rotating black holes show that some spin so quickly because dark matter particles haven't slowed them down.

3 years ago