X-Ray Telescopes Could Study Exoplanets Too

Exoplanets are often discovered using the transit method (over three quarters of those discovered have been found this way.) The…

6 months ago

Ariane 6 Fires its Engines, Simulating a Flight to Space

The ESA recently conducted a test fire of its next-generation Ariane 6 rocket, a dress rehearsal for its first test…

1 year ago

ESA Has a Difficult Choice: Study Mars, Earth's Magnetosphere, or Gamma-Ray Bursts

The ESA Science Programme has narrowed down the possibilities for its next M-class mission to three concepts.

1 year ago

A Black Hole Emitted a Flare Away From us, but its Intense Gravity Redirected the Blast Back in our Direction

Using the XMM-Newton and NuSTAR X-ray telescopes, an international team of scientists were able to see light coming from behind…

4 years ago