Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array

Matched Twin Stars are Firing Their Jets Into Space Together

Since it began operating in 2022, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revealed some surprising things about the Universe.…

1 month ago

Star Birth and Death Seen Near the Beginning of Time

Until recently, astronomers could not observe the first stars and galaxies that formed in the Universe. This occurred during what…

1 year ago

A Tadpole-Shaped Cloud of Gas is Whirling Around a Black Hole

A team of astronomers from Japan have found a strange "Tadpole" shaped dust cloud near the center of our galaxy,…

1 year ago

A Very Young Star is Forming Near the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole

An international team of astronomers spotted a young, massive star orbiting very close to Sagittarius A*, which was previously thought…

1 year ago

Machine Learning is a Powerful Tool When Searching for Exoplanets

A new machine learning technique will help astronomers detect young exoplanets in disks surrounding other stars.

1 year ago

Rare Triple Galaxy Merger With at Least Two Supermassive Black Holes

One of the best things about that universe is that there is so much to it.  If you look hard…

3 years ago

Titan’s Atmosphere Has All the Ingredients For Life. But Not Life as We Know It

In a series of new studies on Saturn's moon Titan, researchers have found more indications that there could be exotic…

4 years ago

This Distorted Circle is Actually a Galaxy That Looked Very Similar to the Milky Way, Shortly After the Big Bang

Using ALMA, a European team of astronomers was able to observe a galaxy as it looked 12 billion years ago…

4 years ago

Astronomers Think They’ve Found the Neutron Star Remnant From Supernova 1987a

Recent observations and theortetical work have brought us one step closer to resolving the mystery of what lies at the…

4 years ago

Bizarre Double Star System Flipped its Planetary Disk on its Side

An international research team recently found a binary star system with a debris disk that orbits around their poles.

6 years ago