
Swarming Satellites Could Autonomous Characterize an Asteroid

An asteroid's size, shape, and rotational speed are clues to its internal properties and potential resources for mining operations. However,…

1 week ago

Swarms of Orbiting Sensors Could Map An Asteroid’s Surface

It seems like every month, a new story appears announcing the discovery of thousands of new asteroids. Tracking these small…

3 weeks ago

Dinkinesh's Moonlet is Only 2-3 Million Years Old

Last November, NASA's Lucy mission conducted a flyby of the asteroid Dinkinish, one of the Main Belt asteroids it will…

3 months ago

Hubble Has Accidentally Discovered Over a Thousand Asteroids

The venerable Hubble Space Telescope is like a gift that keeps on giving. Not only is it still making astronomical…

3 months ago

The Giant Planets Migrated Between 60-100 Million Years After the Solar System Formed

Untangling what happened in our Solar System tens or hundreds of millions of years ago is challenging. Millions of objects…

3 months ago

What Happens to Solar Systems When Stars Become White Dwarfs?

In a couple billion years, our Sun will be unrecognizable. It will swell up and become a red giant, then…

4 months ago

A 790,000 Year-Old Asteroid Impact Could Explain Seafloor Spherules

Researchers recently collected 850 millimeter-sized spherules from the seafloor near Papua New Guinea. They believed they were caused by an…

5 months ago

Water Found on the Surface of an Asteroid

Our Solar System is a collection of objects from planets and moons to comets and asteroids. It's thought there are…

5 months ago

Webb Directly Images Two Planets Orbiting White Dwarfs

In several billion years, our Sun will become a white dwarf. What will happen to Jupiter and Saturn when the…

6 months ago

Some of the Moon's Craters are From Interstellar Impacts. Can We Tell Which?

By discovering two interstellar objects (ISOs), we know that asteroids and comets from other star systems pass through the Solar…

9 months ago