Ames Research Center

Astronomers Find a Black Hole Tipped Over on its Side

Almost every large galaxy has a supermassive black hole churning away at its core. In most cases, these black holes…

3 weeks ago

Testing Heat Shields for Different Atmospheres

Testing is one of the unsung steps in the engineering process. Talk to any product development engineer, and they will…

3 months ago

NASA has Simulated a Tiny Part of the Moon Here on Earth

Before going to the Moon, the Apollo astronauts trained at various sites on Earth that best approximated the lunar surface,…

2 years ago

NASA Simulates Their Orion Abort System. Now That Would be a Crazy Ride

A team of research scientists recently conducted a series of simulations to see how the Orion Launch Abort System would…

7 years ago

NASA Announces 10, That’s Right 10! New Planets in Their Star’s Habitable Zone

The latest catalog to be released by the Kepler mission features and additional 10 potentially-habitable planets, and has led to…

8 years ago