Buzz About Gliese 581g: Doubts of Its Existence; Aliens Signals Detected

[/caption] Ever since the announcement of the discovery of exoplanet Gliese 581g, there has been a buzz in the news, on websites, Twitter – pretty much everywhere, about the first potentially habitable extrasolar planet. But the past couple of days there has been a different sort of buzz about this distant world. Two stories have …

Titan-ic Tsunami Causing Crack in Saturn’s C Ring

[/caption] Saturn’s rings have several gaps, most of which are caused by small moons shepherding ring debris into breaks in the rocky rings. But one gap may be caused by gravitational perturbations from Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, sending tsunami-like waves up to 3 kilometers (2 miles) high in the C ring. This causes one region …

New Earth-sized Exoplanet is in Star’s Habitable Zone

[/caption] An enticing new extrasolar planet found using the Keck Observatory in Hawaii is just three times the mass of Earth and it orbits the parent star squarely in the middle of the star’s “Goldilocks zone,” a potential habitable region where liquid water could exist on the planet’s surface. If confirmed, this would be the …

Hot Atmosphere of Venus Might Cool the Interior

[/caption] Venus is so hot, it’s cool! This very groovy 1960’s-looking image shows the temperature distribution within Venus and local mobilization at the surface, and is the result of new model of the atmosphere of Earth’s sister planet. The model reveals that the heat in the atmosphere induced from a strong greenhouse warming might actually …

Step On The Scales: Weighing Up Planet Earth…

Scientists at the European Southern Observatory have identified the closest looking solar system to our own. They located a sun-like star more than 100 light years distant with as many as seven different planets, including one that might be the smallest ever found outside the solar system. “We have found what is most likely the …