
A Star Threw Off a Sun’s Worth of Material. And Then it Exploded!

What happens just before a massive star explodes as a supernova? To figure that out, astronomers need to look at…

10 months ago

Astronomers Have Been Watching a Supernova’s Debris Cloud Expand for Decades with Hubble

Twenty thousand years ago, a star in the constellation Cygnus went supernova. Like all supernovae, the explosion released a staggering…

10 months ago

Astronomers Watched a Massive Star Just… Disappear. Now JWST Might Have Some Answers

In 2009, astronomers watched a bizarre mystery unfold. An enormous star, with 25 times the mass of the Sun, faded…

10 months ago

Supernovae Struck the Earth 3 Million and 7 Million Years Ago

A recent study examines how the Earth was hit by blasts from supernovae (plural form of supernova (SN)) that occurred…

10 months ago

This 3D Simulation of a Supernova Needed 5 Million Hours of Supercomputing

When the largest stars in the Universe run out of fuel, they detonate as supernovae, collapsing inward and leaving behind…

10 months ago

A New Observatory Will Spot Core-Collapse Supernovae Before They Explode

Although we haven't had a supernova explode nearby in a few hundred years, it's just a matter of time before…

10 months ago

The Closest Supernova Seen in the Modern Era, Examined by JWST

In 1987, a supernova suddenly appeared in the Large Magellanic Cloud and was studied by astronomers worldwide. Although the detonating…

11 months ago

Did this Supernova Explode Twice?

All supernovae are exploding stars. But the nature of a supernova explosion varies quite a bit. One type, named Type…

11 months ago

Supernovae are the Source of Dust in Early Galaxies

Dust is the building block for much of the Universe, including the planet you were born on. But where did…

1 year ago

Astronomers See the Same Supernova Four Times Thanks to a Gravitational Lens

Thanks to a well-placed gravitational lens, a team of astronomers was able to observe a supernova four times!

1 year ago