Extrasolar Planets

Earth-Sized Planets are Probably Common

Of the many extrasolar planetary systems discovered so far, more than a third could contain Earth-like planets. This is according…

18 years ago

Giant Planet or Failed Star?

The Hubble Space Telescope has helped astronomers uncover an object right at the dividing line between stars and planets. The…

18 years ago

Astrophoto: Stellar Nursery NGC 7129 by Bob Allevo

Prior to 1957, virtually all photographs of the sky were produced as monochrome, black and white images. In that year,…

18 years ago

Hubble Finds an Exoplanet’s Parent Star

When a star flared briefly, astronomers knew it was because a dimmer star had passed directly in front, acting as…

18 years ago

Twin Planemos Discovered

Astronomers have turned up plenty of extrasolar planets, but a newly discovered binary pair of planets is quite the find.…

18 years ago

Earth-Sized Planets Could Be Nearby

Nearly all of the extrasolar planets discovered so far have been huge, Jupiter-sized and above. The question is: could smaller,…

18 years ago

Squadrons of Planet Hunters Could Find Life

The Hubble Space Telescope demonstrated that the best viewing is outside the Earth's atmosphere. Over the years, a series of…

18 years ago

Protoplanetary Disk Warped by a Hidden Companion

New images of a relatively nearby protoplanetary disk, taken by the Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea, show strange banana-shaped arcs…

18 years ago

Rotating Disk Could Contain Newly Forming Planets

Astronomers from the University of St. Andrews have found evidence that a ring of dust around nearby Epsilon Eridani is…

18 years ago

How Super Earths Might Form

Although our Solar System only contains a "regular Earth", astronomers predict that other systems could contain "super Earths"; rocky planets…

18 years ago