Ian Steer

Ian Steer is with the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED), an online extragalactic data service that aided astronomers in discovering the electromagnetic counterpart to GW170817, and is curator of the NED redshift-independent distances database (NED-D), cited in a number of papers on GW170817 as a reference for independent estimates of the distance to the host galaxy NGC 4993.

GW170817 Update: Surprises From First Gravitational Wave Observed Independently

“This is quite literally a physics gold mine!” said Masao Sako, with the University of Pennsylvania. For over a week…

7 years ago

How Supernova 2014J Will Help Determine the Extragalactic Distance Scale and Impact Cosmology

In only three weeks since its discovery on January 21, 2014, much has been learned about the new supernova SN…

10 years ago