Companion Star Changed Supernova’s Appearance

The Galaxy NGC 7424 as imaged by Gemini. Image credit: Gemini South GMOS. Click to enlarge
When a supernova was discovered in December 2001, astronomers immediately tagged it as a Type II – when a gigantic star runs out of fuel and explodes. But then the tell tale hydrogen surrounding it disappeared, and astronomers had to re-classify it as a Type I supernova – when a white dwarf steals matter from a companion. Astronomers using the Gemini telescope in Chile think they’ve solved the mystery. They found a companion star left behind when the supernova exploded; this was providing the hydrogen, and masking the original supernova.

Using the Gemini South telescope in Chile, Australian astronomers have found a predicted “companion” star left behind when its partner exploded as a very unusual supernova. The presence of the companion explains why the supernova, which started off looking like one kind of exploding star, seemed to change its identity after a few weeks.

The Gemini observations were originally intended to be reconnaissance for later imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope. “But the Gemini data were so good we got our answer straight away,” said lead investigator, Dr. Stuart Ryder of the Anglo-Australian Observatory (AAO).

Renowned Australian supernova hunter Bob Evans first spotted supernova 2001ig in December 2001. It lies in the outskirts of a spiral galaxy NGC 7424, which is about 37 million light-years away in the southern constellation of Grus (the Crane).

The supernova was monitored over the next month by optical telescopes in Chile. Supernovae are classified according to the features in their optical spectra. SN2001ig initially showed the telltale signs of hydrogen, which had it tagged as a Type II supernova, but the hydrogen later disappeared, which put it into the Type I category.

But how could a supernova change its type? Only a handful of such supernovae, classified as “Type IIb” to indicate their curious change of identity, have ever been seen. Only one (called SN 1993J) was closer than SN 2001ig.

Astronomers studying SN1993J had suggested an explanation: the supernova’s progenitor had a companion star that stripped material off the star before it exploded. This would leave only a little hydrogen on the progenitor-so little that it could disappear from the supernova spectrum within a few weeks.

A decade later observations with the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope and one of the Keck telescopes in Hawaii confirmed that SN 1993J did indeed have a companion. Ryder and colleagues wondered if SN2001ig might have had a companion as well.

Soon after SN2001ig was discovered, Ryder and his colleagues began monitoring it with a radio telescope, the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) Australia Telescope Compact Array in eastern Australia. The radio emission did not fall off smoothly over time but instead showed regular bumps and dips. This suggested that the material in space around the star that exploded-which must have been shed late in its life-was unusually lumpy.

Although the lumps might have represented matter periodically shed from the convulsing star, their spacing was such that another explanation seemed more likely: that they were generated by a companion in an eccentric orbit. As it orbited, the companion would have swept material shed by the progenitor into a spiral (pinwheel) pattern, with denser lumps at the point in the orbit-periastron-where the two stars approached most closely.

Such spirals have been imaged around hot, massive stars called Wolf-Rayet stars by Dr Peter Tuthill of the University of Sydney, using the Keck telescopes. The bumps in the radio light-curve of SN2001ig were spaced in a way consistent with the curvature of one of the spirals Tuthill has imaged.

“Stellar evolution theory suggests that a Wolf-Rayet star with a massive companion could produce this unusual kind of supernova,” said Ryder.

If the supernova progenitor had a companion, it might be visible when the supernova debris had cleared. So the astronomers put in a request to observe with the GMOS (Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph) camera on the 8-meter Gemini South telescope.

When the time came to observe, the “seeing conditions” (stability of the atmosphere) were excellent. Just an hour and a half was needed to image the supernova field-and reveal a yellow-green point-like object at the location of the supernova explosion.

“We believe this is the companion,” said Ryder. “It’s too red to be a patch of ionized hydrogen, and too blue to be part of the supernova remnant itself.”

The companion has a mass of between 10 and 18 times that of the Sun. The astronomers hope to use GMOS again in coming months to get a spectrum of the companion, to refine this estimate.

Binary companions could explain much of the diversity seen in supernovae, Ryder suggests. “We’ve been able to show the chameleon-like behaviour of SN2001ig has a surprisingly simple explanation,” he said.

This is only the second time a companion star to a Type IIb supernova has been imaged, and the first time the imaging has been done from the ground.

A paper on the observations, “A post-mortem investigation of the Type IIb supernova 2001ig”, co-authored by Ryder, University of Tasmania graduate student Clair Murrowood and former AAO astronomer Dr Raylee Stathakis, was published online in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society on May 2. It is also available HERE.

Original Source: Gemini Observatory

Cassini Sees New Craters on Titan

Shikoku Facula region on Titan. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI. Click to enlarge
Cassini recently swept past two previously unexplored regions of Titan, and returned radar images of its surface. Cassini made its flyby on April 30, targeting the Xanadu region – one of the most prominent features on Titan, which is even visible from Earth. It revealed strange curving features that could indicate flowing fluids. There are also two large craters that could be from meteor impacts or volcanic calderas. This was Cassini’s 14th Titan flyby, with the next on May 20.

Saturn’s moon Titan continued to surprise scientists during a flyby that took Cassini into regions previously unexplored by radar. Two very noticeable circular features, possible impact craters or calderas, appear in the latest radar images taken during the flyby on April 30, 2006.

The flyby targeted Xanadu, one of the most prominent features on Titan, visible even from telescopes on Earth. The origin of Xanadu is still unknown, but the radar images reveal details previously unseen, such as numerous curvy features that may indicate fluid flows. Scientists speculate that two prominent circular features are probably impact craters but they don’t rule out the possibility that they might be calderas or volcanoes. Sand dunes, discovered in previous flybys, continue to crisscross Titan’s surface.

Communication from the spacecraft was temporarily interrupted for nearly five hours during the data playback following the flyby. The most important science data from the flyby were protected by a contingency plan put in place in advance of the flyby. The flight team believes the outage was likely due to a galactic cosmic-ray hit on a power switch in the spacecraft communications subsystem. The anomaly resulted in the loss of some science data. However, the spacecraft is now performing normally.

This was the 14th Titan flyby for Cassini, with nine more remaining this year. The next will be May 20, 2006. During the nominal four-year mission Cassini will perform 45 Titan flybys.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. JPL, a division of Caltech, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate. The Cassini orbiter was designed, developed and assembled at JPL.

For images and more information, visit: and .

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

XMM-Newton Finds Objects in its Spare Time

XMM-Newton slew survey of the Vela supernova remnant. Image credit: ESA. Click to enlarge
For most of its time, ESA’s XMM-Newton observatory is staring intently at a single object. But astronomers have figured out how to use the time the observatory spends turning from object to object – called “slewing”. Over the past 4 years, the observatory has actually imaged 25% of the sky in this way. A newly released sky survey contains this “spare time” data, which includes thousands of objects, many of which were previously unknown.

For the past four years, while ESA’s XMM-Newton X-ray observatory has been slewing between different targets ready for the next observation, it has kept its cameras open and used this spare time to quietly look at the heavens. The result is a ‘free-of-charge’ mission spin-off ? a survey that has now covered an impressive 25 percent of the sky.

The rapid slewing of the satellite across the sky means that a star or a galaxy passes in the field of view of the telescope for ten seconds only. However, the great collecting area of the XMM-Newton mirrors, coupled with the efficiency of its image sensors, is allowing thousands of sources to be detected.

Furthermore, XMM-Newton can pinpoint the position of X-rays coming from the sky with a resolution far superior to that available for most previous all-sky surveys. This is sufficient to allow the source of these X-rays to be found in many cases.

By comparing XMM-Newton survey’s data with those obtained over a decade ago by the international ROSAT mission, which also performed an all-sky survey, scientists can now check the long-term stability, or the evolution, of about two thousand objects in the sky.

An initial look shows that some sources have changed their brightness level by an incredible amount. The most extreme of these are variable stars and more surprisingly galaxies, whose unusual volatility may be due to large quantities of matter being consumed by an otherwise dormant central black hole.

The slew survey is particularly sensitive to active galactic nuclei (AGN) – galaxies with an unusually bright nucleus ? which can be traced out to a distance of ten thousand million light years.

While most stars and galaxies look like points in the sky, about 15 percent of the sources catalogued by XMM-Newton have an extended X-ray emission. Most of these are clusters of galaxies – gigantic conglomerations of galaxies which trap hot gas that emit X-rays over scales of a million light years.

Eighty-one of these clusters are already famous from earlier work but many other clusters, previously unknown, appear in this new XMM-Newton sky catalogue.

Scientists hope that the newly detected sources of this kind also include very distant clusters which are highly luminous in X-rays, as these objects are invaluable for investigating the evolution of the Universe. Follow-up observations by large optical telescopes are now needed to determine the distances of the individual galaxies in the newly discovered clusters.

Using traditional pointed observations, it takes huge amounts of telescope-time to image very large sky features, such as old supernova remnants, in their entirety. The slewing mechanism provides a very efficient method of mapping these objects, and several have been imaged including the 20 000 year-old Vela supernova remnant, which occupies a sky area 150 times larger than the full moon.

Extraordinarily bright, low-mass X-ray binary systems of stars (called ‘LMXB’) ? either powered by matter pulled from a normal star, or exploding onto the surface of a neutron star, or being consumed by a black hole – are observed with sufficient sensitivity to record their detailed light spectrum. Passes across these intense X-ray sources can help astronomers to understand the long-term physics of the interaction between the two stars of the binary system.

Many areas of astronomy are expected to be influenced by the XMM-Newton sky survey. Today, 3 May 2006, the XMM-Newton scientist have released a part of the catalogue resulting from the initial processing of the highest quality data obtained so far.

Such data correspond to a sky coverage of about 15 percent, and include more than 2700 very bright sources and a further 2000 sources of lower significance. Currently, about 55 percent of the catalogue entries have been identified with known stars, galaxies, quasars and clusters of galaxies.

A faster turn-around of slew-data processing is now planned to catch interesting transient (or temporary) targets in the act, before they have a chance to fade. This will give access to rare, energetic events, which only a sensitive wide-angle survey such as XMM-Newton’s can achieve.

It is planned to continually update the catalogue as XMM-Newton charts its way through the stars. This will cover at least 80 percent of the sky, leaving a tremendous legacy for the future.

Original Source: ESA Portal

What’s Up This Week – May 2 – May 7, 2006

M53. Image credit: Credit: REU Program/NOAO/AURA/NSF. Click to enlarge.
Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! Have you been following the comet’s trail? If not, there’s observing tips on how to locate 73/P Schwassmann-Wachmann easily. Get out your binoculars or telescopes as we prepare to journey to the Moon and beyond ths week – because…

Here’s what’s up!

Tuesday, May 2 – UPDATE: For those interested in the whereabouts of the C-component of comet 73/P Schwassmann-Wachmann, look no further than Hercules. As the week opens, you’ll find it cruising through the center of the “keystone” (see SkyHound’s map) and easily visible to small binoculars under less than optimal conditions. Be sure to let the constellation rise at least to the upper third of the sky before attempting observations and enjoy!

For early evening viewers, tonight’s Moon provides a great opportunity to visit telescopically with some smaller features located within the fully disclosed Mare Crisium area. Look for two bright mountainous areas near the terminator on the central western border of Crisium. These two regions include the Olivium and Lavinium Promontoriums. Voyaging across Crisium’s smooth floor toward the east, you will see the small punctuations of Craters Picard to the south and Pierce to the north. Try to follow these features over the lunar cycle and see how many nights you can continue to see them.

As the Moon sets, let’s have a look at three entirely different studies around the constellation Corvus, the “Crow.”

The most recognizable shape of Corvus is an irregular box of visible stars southwest of Spica. The southeastern-most star is Beta Corvi. Look around two finger-width’s south for faint star SAO 180965. By aiming your low power scope or large binoculars there, you will find 8.2 magnitude globular cluster M68 to the northeast. The several hundred thousand stars comprising M68 spread out over a region 110 light-years in diameter. Located about 35,000 light-years away, it’s a nice challenge.

Now head for the northeast star in the box, and you notice that it’s a nice visual pair – Eta and Delta. Around two finger-widths southwest will put you in the area to find planetary nebula NGC 4361. This fairly large, irregular, 10th magnitude planetary has a faint central star surrounded by a “square fuzzy shell” of nebulosity. Notice how it appears to flare outwardly as the eye moves about the field of view. Perhaps there’s more to this planetary than meets the eye!

To locate our next study, just head 11 degrees (very slightly more than a fist width) due west of Spica to locate the Sombrero Galaxy – M104. Showing surprising structure through binoculars and small scopes, this 8.3 magnitude, near edge-on spiral is one of the most massive known. Mid-sized scopes should look for M104’s large central bulge and extended tightly wound arms. Viewers with large aperture will easily see the dark lane breaking across the galaxy’s equator through the bulge of the nucleus.

Be sure to look for a striking “Scorpio-shaped” asterism of equally bright stars just northwest of the mighty “Sombrero!”

Wednesday, May 3 – Tonight the Moon is the prominent sky feature, so why not venture to the surface and visit one of the oldest features left on the visible lunar side? Start by identifying two prominent craters in the southeast quadrant – Metius and Fabricus. While viewing the area around them, note that Fabricus’ walls actually intrude on Metius – pointing to a younger age of formation. Around Fabricus, but not including Metius, is the boundary of a mountain-walled plain extending into the terminator. High power will reveal many breaks in its hexagonal walls surrounding a floor marred by many smaller craters and fine fissures. This is Jannsen. Look for three prominent interior craters, as well as an ancient rima falling near the shadow’s edge. It may not seem exciting, but remember Jannsen could go back to the time when the Moon first formed – more than four billion years ago!

Even under bright skies, we can still study open clusters – right? Well, not really. Have you noticed how few there are in the spring sky? In fact, the ones that can be seen are rapidly dropping off the edge of the world to the west. (Oops, there goes another one!) They are associated with the winter Milky Way. That’s why open clusters have another name – “galactic clusters!”

Instead, let’s have a look at another interesting subset of things visible in the night sky – galaxies located near bright stars. For instance, Phecda is the southeastern star in the bowl of the Big Dipper, but look again. If you center on Phecda and shift it slightly northwest, you will turn up 9.8 magnitude M109, which is over 55 million light-years further away than its “companion” star.

Tonight Jupiter, with its four bright moons and striking cloudtop features, comes into its own as it reaches opposition. Be prepared for whatever sky conditions permit you to see among the many fine features associated with this mirthful member of our solar family!

Thursday, May 4 – Tonight we’ll continue our lunar explorations as we look for the “three ring circus” of easily identified craters – Theophilus, Cyrillus, and Catherina. Are you ready to discover a very conspicuous lunar feature that was never officially named? Cutting its way across Mare Nectaris from Theophilus to shallow crater Beaumont in the south, you’ll see a long, thin, bright line. What you are looking at is an example of a lunar dorsum – nothing more than a wrinkle or low ridge. Chances are good that this ridge is just a “wave” in the lava flow that congealed when Mare Nectaris formed. This particular dorsa is quite striking tonight because of low illumination angle. Has it been named? Yes. It is unofficially known as “Dorsum Beaumont,” but by whatever name it is called, it remains a distinct feature you’ll continue to enjoy!

It’s still a bit early to begin viewing Jupiter, so let’s look at a double star while we wait for it to gain sky position. Named in honor of King Charles II of England by Astronomer Royal Edmund Halley in 1725, Cor Caroli “the Heart of Charles” (Alpha Canes Venatici) is a splendid example of a bright easily resolved “double of color.” At magnitude 2.9, Cor Caroli is best found by moving a little more than a fist width southwest of Eta Ursa Majoris (Alkaid.) Although the pair is not resolvable in low power binoculars, just about any telescope will distinguish between the pale yellow primary and nicely “spaced” blue secondary.

Tonight Jupiter appears some 44.6 arc seconds in diameter – almost twice as large as the planet Mars ever appears from Earth. At its current apparent size, it only takes 40x magnification to make the planet’s disk appear the size of the Moon unaided. This magnification will reveal the three main cloudtop features in the planet’s atmosphere. Look for the darkly textured northern and southern equatorial belts (NEB & SEB) separated by the bright equatorial zone (EZ). These belts and zone were first seen as early as 1664 and several astronomers including Niccolo Zucchi, Gian Dominico Cassini, Robert Hooke, and Gilles-François Gottigniez are credited with their discovery. This same magnification easily distinguishes the four bright satellites as well. These moons were first reported by Galileo Galilei after a week of observing beginning January 7, 1610.

Friday, May 5 – On this date in 1961, Alan Shepard became the first American in “space.” It was only a 15 minute suborbital ride aboard Mercury craft Freedom 7… But what a ride!

For moon watchers tonight, we celebrate 36 years of space exploration as the Apollo 11 landing site now becomes visible. For telescopes and binoculars the landing area will be found near the terminator along the southern edge of Mare Tranquillitatis. For those who would like a real challenge, try spotting small craters Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins just east of easy craters Sabine and Ritter. No scope? No problem. Find the dark round area on the lunar northeastern limb – Mare Crisium. Then locate the dark area below that – Mare Fecundatatis. Now look mid-way along the terminator for the dark area that is Mare Tranquillitatis. The bright point west where it joins Mare Nectaris further south is the target for the first men on the Moon.

We were there…

Still up for adventure? What about an observation that happened more than 240 years ago? Like Charles Messier, Johan Hevelius (1611 – 1687) kept a log of things seen while sweeping the night sky using a small telescope. The third object on Hevelius list of 16 “Nebulosae” (designated Hev 1496) came to the attention of Charles Messier who – based on Hevelius’ description – swept the same part of the sky in an attempt to locate it. Failing to discover anything nebulous in the region, Messier added the one and only double star to his famed list as M40.

Start at Mizar and Alcore, and hop about a finger-width northwest. Look for a pair of 9th magnitude stars separated by 49 arc seconds with the fainter 9.3 magnitude component oriented east-northeast. Try turning high power binoculars toward this pair – it’s just possible you may re-discover Hevelius’ “Nebulosa!”

Saturday, May 6 – Tonight is a wonderful chance for binoculars and small scopes to study the Moon. Craters Aristotle and Eudoxus to the north are easily apparent, along with the Caucasus and Apennine mountain range. Looking for a spectacular lunar feature? Look no further than the Valles Alpes. Known also as the “Alpine Valley,” this deep slash across the northern surface is easily visible and lighting conditions will be just right to explore its 1.5 to 21 kilometer wide, and 177 kilometer long expanse.

Even with bright moonlit skies, we still have the opportunity to study doubles – so let’s head towards Corvus and see if we can collect enough starlight to resolve Delta Corvi. Look for a distant and relatively faint companion!

Sunday, May 7 – Tonight, we’ll have a look at crater Eratosthenes. Just slightly north of lunar center and on the terminator, this easily spotted feature dangles at the end of the Apennine Mountain range like a yo-yo caught on a string. Its rugged walls and central peaks make for excellent viewing. If you look closely at the mountains northeast of Eratosthenes, you will see the high peak of Mons Wolff. Named for the Dutch philosopher and mathematician, this outstanding feature reaches 35 kilometers in height. To the southwest of Eratosthenes you may also spot the ruined remains of crater Stadius. Very little is left of its walls and the floor is dotted with small strikes. Near the twin pair of punctuations to its south lie the remains of Surveyor 2!

Two nights ago, Jupiter came as close as it’s going to get to Earth. Now let’s have a “deeper” look at this giant planet. There’s much more to be seen at high power and through stable skies. Wait until Jupiter gains some altitude, then magnify to catch more of those whirling “bands on the run!”

At mid-magnifications the two equatorial belts (NEB and SEB) can be seen flanked by two lesser belts – the North Temperate Belt (NTB) and the South Temperate Belt (STB). These thin and sometimes almost undetectable belts are found at latitudes that move more slowly around the planet’s girth than its equator. Like the NEB and SEB, they come about as a combination of conditions – winds, temperature, and chemical composition. They gang up to darken the albedo (reflectivity) of different parts of Jupiter’s atmosphere under the influence of all the energy unleashed by Jupiter’s less than ten hour rotation.

While observing Jupiter’s features, keep in mind that you are looking through various depths into its atmosphere. In general, things of a blue tint are deeper than things brown. The reds are highest – just above the whites. Unlike our Earth, most of the energy driving “weather” on Jupiter comes from Jupiter itself – since it emits more heat energy than it receives from the Sun. Of course, there is that “whirling dervish” of a rotational speed – some 45,000 kilometers per hour!

May all your journeys be at light speed… ~Tammy Plotner with Jeff Barbour.

Shearing Storms on Saturn

Detailed view of Saturn’s clouds. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI. Click to enlarge
This clear view of Saturn shows the planet’s stormy bands, especially near the equator. The northern boundary of the bright equatorial zone is shearing against the band to the north, and producing tremendous turbulence. Two storms are also merging together in the planet’s southern hemisphere. This photo was taken on March 16, 2006 when Cassini was approximately 2 million kilometers (1.3 million miles) from Saturn.

This remarkably detailed view of Saturn’s clouds reveals waves at the northern boundary of the bright equatorial zone, presumably associated both with the strong wind shear there and also the difference in density across the boundary with the band to the north. The intense eastward-flowing jet at the equator makes the edges of the equatorial zone among the most strongly sheared on the planet.

To the south, two dark ovals embrace, while dark ring shadows blanket the north. The moon Janus (181 kilometers, or 113 miles across) occupies a mere two pixels beneath the rings, at right of center.

The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft wide-angle camera on March 16, 2006, using a filter sensitive to wavelengths of infrared light centered at 728 nanometers. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 2 million kilometers (1.3 million miles) from Saturn. The image scale is 118 kilometers (73 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at .

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

Astrophoto: Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann by Andrea Tamanti

Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann by Andrea Tamanti
Arnold Schwassmann and Arno Arthur Wachmann were two German astronomers credited with the discovery of three comets during the first third of the last century. Near the middle of this month, their third discovery will pass by Earth, twenty five times more distant than the Moon, on its latest five and a third year orbit from near the Sun to the distance of Jupiter.

Its small nucleus is approximately two tenths of a mile across – a size that is generally incapable of producing a spectacular show as it swings by Earth. Yet, two orbits ago, in 1995, the comet did something unexpected – it brightened considerably as it was observed breaking apart. This year, this comet will pass closer to Earth than any in the past twenty-five years. But this is no typical cometary flyby – Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 has become a swarm of small comets!

During the 1995 passage, the nucleus of this comet split apart into three objects traveling single file but when it passed Earth during the fall of 2000, four separate nuclei were observed. Images captured in late March of this year revealed eight individual pieces and by April 10, scientists could see nineteen fragments and many of these were spawning even smaller pieces. Each piece is a mini-comet with its own star-like nucleus and tail.

Closest approach to the Sun will occur on June 7. But on May 8, a few days before their closest approach to Earth, the pieces of Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann will pass very close to the Ring Nebula in the constellation Lyra. Some fragments may even appear to pass over this famous night sky landmark. For folks living near Paris, this will occur around 5AM in the morning and for those who live on the southeast coast of the United States, a good view of this event will be happen about 11PM on May 7.

This excellent close up picture is of the comet’s “C” fragment- one of the three first seen in 1995. It was taken by Andrea Tamanti on April 24, 2006 at about 2AM local time from his home about 20 miles outside Rome, Italy. Andrea used a ten-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope and a 1.3 mega pixel astronomical camera. Four separate exposures totaling 36 minutes were required to produce this full color image.

Do you have photos you’d like to share? Post them to the Universe Today astrophotography forum or email them, and we might feature one in Universe Today.

Written by R. Jay GaBany

Shifting Northern Hazes on Titan

The hazy atmosphere of Titan. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI. Click to enlarge
This beautiful photograph shows how the hazy atmosphere on Saturn’s moon Titan is broken up into many layers. Titan’s north pole is at the upper left in this picture. Cassini took this image on March 16, 2006 when it was approximately 1.2 million kilometers (800,000 miles) from Titan.

The complex and dynamic atmosphere of Titan displays multiple haze layers near the north pole in this view, which also provides an excellent look at the detached stratospheric haze layer that surrounds the moon at lower latitudes.

North on Titan (5,150 kilometers, or 3,200 miles across) is up and rotated 20 degrees to the left.

The image was taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on March 16, 2006, using a filter sensitive to wavelengths of ultraviolet light centered at 338 nanometers. The image was obtained at a distance of approximately 1.2 million kilometers (800,000 miles) from Titan and at a Sun-Titan-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 68 degrees. Image scale is 7 kilometers (5 miles) per pixel.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, manages the mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard cameras were designed, developed and assembled at JPL. The imaging operations center is based at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo.

For more information about the Cassini-Huygens mission visit . The Cassini imaging team homepage is at .

Original Source: NASA/JPL/SSI News Release

Astronomers Look Inside a Neutron Star

The surface patterns for different torsional modes. Image credit: Max Planck. Click to enlarge
A massive explosion on the surface of a neutron star gave astronomers an opportunity to peer inside its surface, similar to how geologists understand the structure of the Earth beneath our feet. The explosion jolted the neutron star, and set it ringing like a bell. The vibrations then passed through layers of different density – slushy or solid – changing the X-rays streaming off. Astronomers calculated that it has a thicker crust approximately 1.6 km (1 mile) deep, matching theoretical estimates.

A US-German team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and NASA have used NASA’s Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer to estimate the depth of the crust on a neutron star, the densest object known in the universe. The crust, they say, is approximately 1.6 kilometres deep and so tightly packed that a teaspoon of this material would weigh about 10 million tonnes on Earth.

This measurement, the first of its kind, came courtesy of a massive explosion on a neutron star in December 2004. Vibrations from the explosion revealed details about the star’s composition. The technique is analogous to seismology, the study of seismic waves from earthquakes and explosions, which reveal the structure of the Earth’s crust and interior.

This new seismology technique provides a way to probe a neutron star’s interior, a place of great mystery and speculation. Pressure and density are so intense here that the core might harbour exotic particles thought to have existed only at the moment of the Big Bang.

Dr Anna Watts, of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, carried out this research in collaboration with Dr. Tod Strohmayer of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

“We think this explosion, the biggest of its kind ever observed, really jolted the star and literally started it ringing like a bell,” said Strohmayer. “The vibrations created in the explosion, although faint, provide very specific clues about what these bizarre objects are made of. Just like a bell, a neutron star’s ring depends on how waves pass through layers of differing density, either slushy or solid.”

A neutron star is the core remains of a star once several times more massive than the sun. A neutron star contains about 1.4 solar masses of material crammed into a sphere only about 20 kilometres across. The two scientists examined a neutron star named SGR 1806-20, which is situated about 40,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius. The object is in a subclass of highly magnetic neutron stars called magnetars.

On December 27, 2004, the surface of SGR 1806-20 experienced an unprecedented explosion, the brightest event ever seen from beyond our solar system. The explosion, called a hyperflare, was caused by a sudden change in the star’s powerful magnetic field that cracked the crust, likely producing a massive starquake. The event was detected by many space observatories, including the Rossi Explorer, which observed the X-ray light emitted.

Strohmayer and Watts think that the oscillations are evidence of global torsional vibrations within the star’s crust. These vibrations are analogous to the S-waves observed during terrestrial earthquakes, like a wave moving through a rope. Their study, building on observations of vibrations from this source by Dr. GianLuca Israel of Italy’s National Institute of Astrophysics, found several new frequencies during the hyperflare.

Watts and Strohmayer subsequently confirmed their measurements using NASA’s Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager, a solar observatory that also recorded the hyperflare, and found the first evidence for a high-frequency oscillation at 625 Hz, indicative of waves traversing the crust vertically.

The abundance of frequencies – similar to a chord, as opposed to a single note – enabled the scientists to estimate the depth of the neutron star crust. This is based on a comparison of frequencies from waves travelling around the star’s crust and from those travelling radially through it. The diameter of a neutron star is uncertain, but based on the estimate of about 20 kilometres across, the crust would be about 1.6 kilometres deep. This figure, based on the observed frequencies, is in line with theoretical estimates.

Starquake seismology holds great promise for determining many neutron star properties. Strohmayer and Watts have analyzed archived Rossi data from a dimmer 1998 magnetar hyperflare (from SGR 1900+14) and found telltale oscillations here too, although not strong enough to determine the crust thickness.

A larger neutron star explosion detected in X-rays might reveal deeper secrets, such as the nature of matter at the star’s core. One exciting possibility is that the core might contain free quarks. Quarks are the building blocks of protons and neutrons, and under normal conditions are always tightly bound together. Finding evidence for free quarks would aid in understanding the true nature of matter and energy. Laboratories on Earth, including massive particle accelerators, cannot generate the energies needed to reveal free quarks.

“Neutron stars are great laboratories for the study of extreme physics,” said Watts. “We’d love to be able to crack one open, but since that’s probably not going to happen, observing the effects of a magnetar hyperflare on a neutron star is perhaps the next best thing.”

Original Source: Max Planck Society

Merging Galaxies Surrounded by Newborn Stars

The cores of the two galaxies NGC 2207 and IC 2163. Image credit: NASA. Click to enlarge
The two “eyes” in this photograph are actually the cores of two merging galaxies; as viewed by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. The galaxies are called NGC 2207 and IC 2163, and the surrounding material is their twisted spiral arms. Dotted along these arms are knotted clusters of newborn stars, created when the two galaxies smashed into each other. The pair is located 140 million light-years away in the Canis Major constellation, and they’ll eventually become a single galaxy in another 500 million years.

A pair of dancing galaxies appears dressed for a cosmic masquerade in a new image from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope.

The infrared picture shows what looks like two icy blue eyes staring through an elaborate, swirling red mask. These “eyes” are actually the cores of two merging galaxies, called NGC 2207 and IC 2163, which recently met and began to twirl around each other.

The “mask” is made up of the galaxies’ twisted spiral arms. Dotted along the arms, like strings of decorative pearls, are dusty clusters of newborn stars. This is the first time that clusters of this type, called “beads on a string” by astronomers, have been seen in NGC 2207 and IC 2163.

“This is the most elaborate case of beading we’ve seen in galaxies,” said Dr. Debra Elmegreen of Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. “They are evenly spaced and sized along the arms of both galaxies.”

Elmegreen is lead author of a paper describing the Spitzer observations in the May 1 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

Astronomers say the beads were formed when the galactic duo first met. “The galaxies shook each other, causing gas and dust to move around and collect into pockets dense enough to collapse gravitationally,” said Dr. Kartik Sheth of NASA’s Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Once this material condensed into thick bead-like clouds, stars of various sizes began to pop up within them.

Spitzer’s infrared camera was able to see the dusty clouds for the first time because they glow with infrared light. The hot, young stars housed inside the clouds heat up the dust, which then radiates at infrared wavelengths. This dust is false-colored red in the image, while stars are represented in blue.

The Spitzer data also reveal an unusually bright bead adorning the left side of the “mask.” This dazzling orb is so packed full of dusty materials that it accounts for five percent of the total infrared light coming from both galaxies. Elmegreen’s team thinks the central stars in this dense cluster might have merged to become a black hole.

Visible-light images of the galaxies show stars located inside the beads, but the beads themselves are invisible. In those pictures, the galaxies look more like a set of owl-like eyes with “feathers” of scattered stars.

NGC 2207 and IC 2163 are located 140 million light-years away in the Canis Major constellation. The two galaxies will meld into one in about 500 million years, bringing their masquerade days to an end.

Other authors of this research include Bruce Elmegreen of IBM Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Michele Kaufman of Ohio State University, Columbus; Curt Struck of Iowa State, Ames; Magnus Thomasson of Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden; and Elias Brinks of the University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at Caltech. JPL is a division of Caltech. Spitzer’s infrared array camera was built by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The instrument’s principal investigator is Dr. Giovanni Fazio of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Original Source: Spitzer Space Telescope

How Do Fossil Galaxy Clusters Form so Quickly?

Fossil galaxy cluster as observed by XMM-Newton. Image credit: ESA. Click to enlarge
Galaxies start small, but grow over time as they merge with other galaxies. After a while, however, the nearby space runs out of galaxies to merge with. All that’s left is one large galaxy called a fossil group, which sits inside an even larger halo of dark matter. Astronomers are puzzled at how these fossil groups are able to form rapidly – some shouldn’t be able to do it in the lifetime of the Universe. New observations from Chandra and ESA’s XMM-Newton observatories have provided new clues about how these clusters collapse and form.

Taking advantage of the high sensitivity of ESA’s XMM-Newton and the sharp vision of NASA’s Chandra X-Ray space observatories, astronomers have studied the behaviour of massive fossil galaxy clusters, trying to find out how they find the time to form.

Many galaxies reside in galaxy groups, where they experience close encounters with their neighbours and interact gravitationally with the dark matter – mass which permeates the whole intergalactic space but is not directly visible because it doesn’t emit radiation.

These interactions cause large galaxies to spiral slowly towards the centre of the group, where they can merge to form a single giant central galaxy, which progressively swallows all its neighbours.

If this process runs to completion, and no new galaxies fall into the group, then the result is an object dubbed a ‘fossil group’, in which almost all the stars are collected into a single giant galaxy, which sits at the centre of a group-sized dark matter halo. The presence of this halo can be inferred from the presence of extensive hot gas, which fills the gravitational potential wells of many groups and emits X-rays.

A group of international astronomers studied in detail the physical features of the most massive and hot known fossil group, with the main aim to solve a puzzle and understand the formation of massive fossils. In fact, according to simple theoretical models, they simply could not have formed in the time available to them!

The fossil group investigated, called ‘RX J1416.4+2315’, is dominated by a single elliptical galaxy located one and a half thousand million light years away from us, and it is 500 thousand million times more luminous than the Sun.

The XMM-Newton and Chandra X-ray observations, combined with optical and infrared analyses, revealed that group sits within a hot gas halo extending over three million light years and heated to a temperature of 50 million degrees, mainly due to shock heating as a result of gravitational collapse.

Such a high temperature, about as twice as the previously estimated values, is usually characteristic of galaxy clusters. Another interesting feature of the whole cluster system is its large mass, reaching over 300 trillion solar masses. Only about two percent of it in the form of stars in galaxies, and 15 percent in the form of hot gas emitting X-rays. The major contributor to the mass of the system is the invisible dark matter, which gravitationally binds the other components.

According to calculations, a fossil cluster as massive as RX J1416.4+2315 would have not had the time to form during the whole age of the universe. The key process in the formation of such fossil groups is the process known as ‘dynamical friction’, whereby a large galaxy loses its orbital energy to the surrounding dark matter. This process is less effective when galaxies are moving more quickly, which they do in massive ‘clusters’ of galaxies.

This, in principle, sets an upper limit to the size and mass of fossil groups. The exact limits are, however, still unknown since the geometry and mass distribution of groups may differ from that assumed in simple theoretical models.

“Simple models to describe the dynamical friction assume that the merging galaxies move along circular orbits around the centre of the cluster mass”, says Habib Khosroshahi from the University of Birmingham (UK), first author of the results. “Instead, if we assume that galaxies fall towards the centre of the developing cluster in an asymmetric way, such as along a filament, the dynamic friction and so the cluster formation process may occur in a shorter time scale,” he continues. Such a hypothesis is supported by the highly elongated X-ray emission we observed in RX J1416.4+2315, to sustain the idea of a collapse along a dominant filament.”

The optical brightness of the central dominant galaxy in this fossil is similar to that of brightest galaxies in large clusters (called ‘BCGs’). According to the astronomers, this implies that such galaxies could have originated in fossil groups around which the cluster builds up later. This offers an alternative mechanism for the formation of BCGs compared to the existing scenarios in which BCGs form within clusters during or after the cluster collapse.

“The study of massive fossil groups such as RX J1416.4+2315 is important to test our understanding of the formation of structure in the universe,” adds Khosroshahi. “Cosmological simulations are underway which attempt to reproduce the properties we observe, in order to understand how these extreme systems develop,” he concludes.

Original Source: ESA News Release