Pictures of Mercury

16 years ago

We can't just talk about Mercury. Sometimes you've just got to see it. Before NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft, there weren't a…

I’m using Twitter?

16 years ago

I signed up for Twitter a couple of years ago, but I never got around to actually using it. Some…

Global Warming is Accelerating Faster than can be Naturally Repaired

16 years ago

It appears the Earth's climate has the ability to naturally regulate atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. Historic records extracted from ice…

Hubble Surprise: Heavyweight Baby Galaxies

16 years ago

Astronomers looking at galaxies in the universe’s distant past were surprised to find some compact, very young galaxies that have…

Europe Launches the Most Accurate Clock in Space

16 years ago

Where you want to go depends on where you are. And if you've got a GPS system in your hands,…

Looking For a Free Ride To Venus?

16 years ago

The folks over at Ars Technica report that the Japanese Space Agency, JAXA, announced they are now accepting proposals for…

10 Satellites Launched in Record Setting Mission for India (Video)

16 years ago

India’s space agency sent a record 10 satellites into Earth orbit with a single launch early Monday. The Polar Satellite…

Globular Clusters Are Less Evolved than Astronomers Thought

16 years ago

Some of the oldest structures in the Milky Way are the globular clusters. Ancient collections of millions of stars, that…

Book Review: The Mystery of the Missing Antimatter

16 years ago

Good mystery novels keep you in suspense to the very end. Luckily, our universe does the same to us. While…

Podcast: The End of the Universe Part 1: The End of the Solar System

16 years ago

This is a show we wanted to do since we started Astronomy Cast but we always thought it was too…