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Space News for May 10, 1999

Incorrect Software Could Have Caused Milstar Failure

A new report from Aviation Week and Space Technology proposes that faulty software loaded onto the Titan IV rocked caused the recent launch failure of the Air Force’s Milstar satellite.

Space Today

Brown Dwarfs Could Have Weather

Astronomers believe they’ve found evidence that brown dwarfs have weather conditions, such as clouds and wind. In detecting the change in brightness over these short hours on these failed stars, astronomers believe they’re seeing changing cloud patterns.


Software Will Allow Galileo to Make Callisto Flyby

NASA engineers have upgraded Galileo’s software to enable it to make a close flyby to Callisto, Jupiter’s moon. Previous attempts to visit Europa were disrupted when glitches in the software forced the spacecraft into safe mode, blinding it as it flew past the moon.


Balloon to Catch Halley’s Comet Particles

NASA scientists are planning to launch a high-altitude weather balloon to catch particles of Halley’s Comet. The balloon will rise to an altitude of 120,000 ft and deploy its xerogel dust collector, which will capture the particles as they enter the atmosphere.

NASA Science News

Fraser Cain

Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today. He's also the co-host of Astronomy Cast with Dr. Pamela Gay. Here's a link to my Mastodon account.

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Fraser Cain

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