Venus atmosphere

There are Mysteries at Venus. It’s Time for an Astrobiology Mission

When scientists detected phosphine in Venus' atmosphere in 2020, it triggered renewed, animated discussions about Venus and its potential habitability.…

7 months ago

A Practical Use for Space Power: Beaming Energy to Probes on Venus

A few weeks ago, a team of scientists from Caltech announced that they had successfully transmitted energy from an orbiting…

1 year ago

The Best Way to Learn About Venus Could Be With a Fleet of Balloons

Interest in the exploration of Venus has kicked up a notch lately, especially after a contested recent discovery of phosphine,…

1 year ago

Physicist encourages continuing the search for life in Venus’ atmosphere

In a recent paper accepted to Contemporary Physics, a physicist from Imperial College London uses past missions and recent findings…

2 years ago

Venus Held Onto its Water Surprisingly Well During its History

A new study by a Swedish astrophysicist shows that Venus is not likely to have lost its water to space,…

4 years ago