Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Following Up on Report, NASA Takes On a Bigger Role in UFO Research

In response to a new report from an independent panel, NASA says it has appointed a director in charge of…

11 months ago

Pentagon Unveils New Website for Reporting (and Learning About) UFOs

The Pentagon has opened up a new portal on the internet for professionals to submit reports about UFOs — now…

11 months ago

Witnesses Play Up the Alien Angle at Congressional UFO Hearing

Three former insiders who have played a role in dealing with UFOs -- or as they've now come to be…

1 year ago

NASA Announces the Team who'll be Studying UFO Data. It's a Pretty Impressive List

NASA just announced the members of the independent study team that will recommend how the study of UAP can help…

2 years ago

Alien Artifacts Could Be Hidden Across the Solar System. Here’s how we Could Search for Them.

Do aliens exist? Almost certainly. The universe is vast and ancient, and our corner of it is not particularly special.…

2 years ago