Japan’s Lunar Lander Fails to Check-in

On January 19th, 2024, the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) successfully landed its Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) on…

2 months ago

Japan’s Lunar Lander Survives its Third Lunar Night

Space travel and exploration was never going to be easy. Failures are sadly all too common but it's wonderful to…

3 months ago

Against all Odds. Japan’s SLIM Lander Survived a Second Lunar Night Upside Down

You might remember the SLIM lunar lander that managed to land upside-down! The probe from the Japanese Space Agency has…

4 months ago

Surprise! Japan’s SLIM Moon Lander Wakes Up After a Freezing Night

Japan's space agency didn't expect its wrong-side-up SLIM moon lander to revive itself after powering down for a circuit-chilling lunar…

5 months ago

Japan Moon Lander Sleeps After Sending Science — Will It Wake Up Again?

After a few days of wakefulness, Japan's SLIM moon lander has gone dormant once more at the start of a…

6 months ago

Japan’s SLIM Lander Finds Power Even Though It’s Face Down

The Moon is a bit of a hot bed for exploration of late.  The Japanese agency JAXA have been getting…

6 months ago

Japan’s Moon Lander Is Lying On Its Side After Hitting Its Target

Now we know why Japan's lunar lander wasn't able to recharge its batteries after touching down on the moon last…

6 months ago

Japan’s Moon Lander Touches Down, But Power Problem Mars Its Mission

Update for Jan. 21: The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency shut down its moon lander to conserve battery power, but says…

6 months ago