The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is regularly plagued by the fact that humanity has a very limited perspective on…
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) has fascinated us for decades. Now a team of researchers have used the Murchison…
In 1971, English mathematical physicist and Nobel-prize winner Roger Penrose proposed how energy could be extracted from a rotating black…
Is there intelligent life in the Universe? And if so, just how common is it? Or perhaps the question should…
Establishing communication with an alien intelligence is one of the news items I, and I’m sure many others, long to…
Sometimes, the easy calculations are the most interesting. A recent paper from Balázs Bradák of Kobe University in Japan is…
Fortunately, the real-world search for signs of extraterrestrial civilizations doesn’t have to deal with an alien armada like the one…
SETI researchers have directed their search toward interesting star systems where extraterrestrial civilizations could send signals toward Earth. According to…
Of all the questions that remain unanswered, the question of life in the Universe is surely the one that captures…
One of the fascinating things about being a human in this age is that we can do more than wonder…