quantum theory

Who was Max Planck?

Max Planck was one of the most renowned physicists of his time, and is considered one of the greatest minds…

8 years ago

What Is Bohr’s Atomic Model?

The Bohr atomic model (sometimes known as the Rutherford-Bohr atomic model) was a major milestone in the development of modern…

9 years ago

How Does Light Travel?

Since ancient times, scientists have debated the true nature of light. Despite the progress we've made, there are still mysteries…

9 years ago

What Are The Parts Of An Atom?

Thanks to centuries of ongoing research, modern scientists have a very good understanding of how atoms work and what their…

9 years ago

How Do Black Holes Evaporate?

Nothing lasts forever, not even black holes. According to Stephen Hawking, black holes will evaporate over vast periods of time.…

10 years ago

Proton Parts

The proton has three parts, two up quarks and one down quark … and the gluons which these three quarks…

15 years ago

What is Schrodinger’s Cat?

Schrodinger's cat is named after Erwin Schrödinger, a physicist from Austria who made substantial contributions to the development of quantum…

15 years ago

What is Loop Quantum Gravity?

The two best theories we have, today, in physics – the Standard Model and General Relativity – are mutually incompatible;…

15 years ago