protoplanetary disks

Astronomers Propose a 14-Meter Infrared Space Telescope

The Universe wants us to understand its origins. Every second of every day, it sends us a multitude of signals,…

2 months ago

This is the Largest Planet-Forming Disk Ever Seen

Roughly 1,000 light-years from Earth, there is a cosmic structure known as IRAS 23077+6707 (IRAS 23077) that resembles a giant…

2 months ago

JWST Uses “Interferometry Mode” to Reveal Two Protoplanets Around a Young Star

The JWST is flexing its muscles with its interferometry mode. Researchers used it to study a well-known extrasolar system called…

3 months ago

Webb Joins the Hunt for Protoplanets

We can't understand what we can't clearly see. That fact plagues scientists who study how planets form. Planet formation happens…

4 months ago

Webb Finds Hints of a Third Planet at PDS 70

The exoplanet census now stands at 5,599 confirmed discoveries in 4,163 star systems, with another 10,157 candidates awaiting confirmation. So…

4 months ago

Massive Stars Have the Power to Shape Solar Systems

Stars shape their solar systems. It's true of ours, and it's true of others. But for some massive stars, their…

5 months ago

Some Young Planets Are Flattened Smarties, not Spheres.

One of contemporary astronomy's most pressing questions concerns planet formation. We can see more deeply than ever into very young…

6 months ago

Three Iron Rings Around A Star Show Where Planets are Forming

Researchers using the ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) have found three iron rings around a young star about 500…

7 months ago

Webb Finds Icy Complex Organic Molecules Around Protostars: Ethanol, Methane, Formaldehyde, Formic Acid and Much More

In the quest to understand how and where life might arise in the galaxy, astronomers search for its building blocks.…

8 months ago

ALMA Takes Next-Level Images of a Protoplanetary Disk

The ESO's Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is perched high in the Chilean Andes. ALMA is made of 66 high-precision…

8 months ago