propulsion system

Flying to (Hypothetical) Planet 9: Why visit it, how could we get there, and would it surprise us like Pluto?

In a recent study submitted to Earth and Planetary Astrophysics, an international team of researchers discuss the various mission design…

2 years ago

A Cubesat Will Test out Water as a Propulsion System

Novel propulsion systems for CubeSats have been on an innovative tear of late.  UT has reported on propulsion systems that…

4 years ago

Impatient? A Spacecraft Could Get to Titan in Only 2 Years Using a Direct Fusion Drive

Fusion power is the technology that is thirty years away, and always will be - according to skeptics at least. …

4 years ago

A New Kind of Propulsion System That Doesn’t Need Propellant. It Converts Electricity into Thrust and Vice Versa.

Long aluminum tethers attached to satellites could revolutionize satellite propulsion systems, and help eliminate space junk.

7 years ago