perseid meteor shower

The Tears of the Hero: Get Ready for the 2021 Perseid Meteors

A sure-fire summer shower, the Perseid meteors are set to put on a spectacular show this year.

4 years ago

Meteors of August: Our Guide to the 2020 Perseids

It's August and that means the Perseid meteors are inbound, starting this weekend this shower is a sure-fire bet, though…

5 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower Briefly Storms, Still Has Legs

Reports coming in now from the Perseid meteor shower show a big spike in activity over Europe last night as…

8 years ago

Gallery: 2015 Perseids Are Putting on a Show

Have you been looking up the past few nights, trying to see the Perseid Meteor Shower? Many of our readers…

9 years ago

The 2015 Perseids: Weather Prospects, Prognostications and More

The venerable ‘old faithful of meteor showers’ is on tap for this week, as the August Perseids gear up for their…

10 years ago

Astrophotos: 2014 Perseid Meteor Shower

"The sum total of 2 1/2 hours worth of images - one meteor!" lamented photographer Roger Hutchinson (see his image…

10 years ago

When Good Meteor Showers Go Bad: Prospects for the 2014 Perseids

It’s that time of year again, when the most famous of all meteor showers puts on its best display. Why…

11 years ago

Incredible Footage Shows a Perseid Meteor Exploding

Personally, I've never seen anything like this, and photographer and digital artist Michael K. Chung said he couldn't believe what…

11 years ago

Two Beautiful Timelapse Videos of the 2013 Perseid Meteor Shower

We're still swooning over the great images and videos coming in from this year's Perseid Meteor Shower. Here are a…

11 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower 2013: Images from Around the World

The Perseid Meteor Shower peaks tonight, but already astrophotographers have been out, enjoying the view of a little cosmic rain.…

11 years ago