Messier Object

Messier 82 – the Cigar Galaxy

Located in the vicinity Ursa Major constellation, roughly 12 million light years from Earth, is the starburst galaxy known as…

6 years ago

Messier 70 – the NGC 6681 Globular Cluster

Located in the "tea pot" of the Sagittarius constellation, some 29,300 light years from Earth, is the globular cluster known…

6 years ago

Messier 65 – the NGC 3623 Intermediate Spiral Galaxy

Located in the Leo constellation, roughly 35 million light-years from Earth, is the intermediate spiral galaxy known as Messier 65…

7 years ago

Messier 62 – the NGC 6266 Globular Cluster

Located in the southern constellation of Ophiuchus, approximately 22,200 light-years from Earth, is the global cluster known as Messier 62.

7 years ago

Messier 54 – the NGC 6715 Globular Cluster

Located in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, some 87,000 light years from Earth, is the globular star cluster known as Messier…

7 years ago

Messier 50 – the NGC 2323 Open Star Cluster

Located between the Monoceros and Canis Major constellations, about 3,200 light years from Earth, is the heart-shaped open star cluster…

8 years ago

Messier 49 – the NGC 4472 Elliptical Galaxy

Located in the constellation Virgo, and at a distance of 55.9 million light years from Earth, is Messier 49 -…

8 years ago

Messier 46 – the NGC 2437 Open Star Cluster

Located in the southern skies, about 5,500 light years from Earth, is the bright and rich open star cluster known…

8 years ago

Messier 45 – The Pleiades Cluster

Located in the Taurus Constellation, between 390 and 456 light years from Earth, is the famous and easily-visible Pleiades Constellation.

8 years ago

Messier 40 – the Winnecke 4 Double Star

Located in the direction of the Ursa Major constellation is Messier 40 (Winnecke 4), an optical double star that looks…

8 years ago