Messier Object

Messier 26 – The NGC 6694 Open Star Cluster

Located in the direction of the Scutum Constellation, about 5,000 light years from Earth, is the open star cluster known…

7 years ago

Messier 25 – The IC 4725 Open Cluster

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

7 years ago

Messier 22 – The Sagittarius Nebula

In the direction Sagittarius constellation, some 14,000 light years from Earth, lies the bright Sagittarius globular star cluster (aka. Messier…

8 years ago

Messier 20 (M20) – The Trifid Nebula

Located in the southern Sagittarius constellation is the Trifid Nebula, a bright star-forming region and combination nebula

8 years ago

Messier 18 (M18) – The NGC 6613 Star Cluster

Welcome back to Messier Monday! In our ongoing tribute to the great Tammy Plotner, we take a look at the…

8 years ago

Messier 17 (M17) – the Omega Nebula

Located between 5,000 and 6,000 light years from Earth is the Omega Nebula, one of the brightest and most massive…

8 years ago

Messier 10 (M10) – The NGC 6254 Globular Cluster

Located in the equatorial constellation Ophiuchus, M10 is one of the brighter globular clusters in the night sky, and the…

8 years ago

Planetary Nebulae

No, planetary nebulae are not nebulae found around planets; nor are they nebulae produced by planets … rather, they got…

14 years ago