
Eris Could be Slushier Than Pluto

In 2005, astronomer Mike Brown and his colleagues Chad Trujillo and David Rabinowitz announced the discovery of a previously unknown…

1 year ago

How Do We Terraform Ceres?

It is possible that we could someday transform Ceres, the largest object in the Asteroid Belt, to make it friendly…

9 years ago

Dark Moon Discovered Orbiting Dwarf Planet Makemake

Planetary scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope have spotted a dark mini-moon orbiting the distant dwarf planet Makemake. The moon,…

9 years ago

10 Interesting Facts About Neptune

Here are ten of the more interesting facts about the gas/ice giant known as Neptune. Some you may know, others…

9 years ago

The (Possible) Dwarf Planet 2007 OR10

Within the Kuiper Belt lies the possible dwarf planet 2007 OR10, one of many objects that has forced astronomers to…

9 years ago

The Dwarf Planet (and Plutoid) Makemake

In 2003, astronomer Mike Brown and his team from Caltech began a discovery process which would change the way we…

9 years ago

What Is A Dwarf Planet?

The term dwarf planet has been tossed around a lot in recent years. As part of a three-way categorization of…

9 years ago

Eris’ Moon Dysnomia

Ask a person what Dysnomia refers to, and they might venture that it's a medical condition. In truth, they would…

10 years ago

Newest Planet: Is it Pluto, Eris or Extrasolar?

With astronomers discovering new planets and other celestial objects all the time, you may be wondering what the newest planet…

10 years ago

What Is The Kuiper Belt?

Dr. Mike Brown is a professor of planetary astronomy at Caltech. He's best known as the man who killed Pluto,…

10 years ago