James Webb Space Telescope

Trump Proposes $19.1 Billion 2018 NASA Budget, Cuts Earth Science and Education

The Trump Administration has proposed a $19.1 Billion NASA budget request for Fiscal Year 2018, which amounts to a $0.5…

7 years ago

Rise of the Super Telescopes: Why We Build Them

The Super Telescopes are set to advance our understanding of the Universe, and it can all be traced back to…

7 years ago

Rise of the Super Telescopes: The James Webb Space Telescope

The eagerly anticipated James Webb Space Telescope will be the first of the Super Telescopes to start work.

7 years ago

NASA Webb Telescope Resumes Rigorous Vibration Qualification Tests

Engineers have resumed a series of critical and rigorous vibration qualification tests on NASA’s mammoth James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)…

7 years ago

NASA Webb Telescope Structure is Sound After Vibration Testing Detects Anomaly

NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, MD - The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is now deemed “sound” and apparently unscathed,…

7 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – December 23, 2016: Mathew Anderson’s “Our Cosmic Story”

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Mathew Anderson is the author of "Our Cosmic Story" available on Amazon in January,…

7 years ago

How Many Galaxies Are There in the Universe?

Did you hear that the Universe has 10x the number of galaxies? How did astronomers discover this, and what does…

8 years ago

Weekly Space Hangout – October 7, 2016: James Webb: Standing on the Shoulders of Hubble

Host: Fraser Cain (@fcain) Special Guest: Paul Geithner, Deputy Project Manager - Technical for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)…

8 years ago

What Are The Lagrange Points?

There are places in the Solar System where the forces of gravity balance out perfectly. Places we can use to…

8 years ago

Did We Arrive Early To The Universe’s Life Party?

According to a new study from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, life as we know it could have emerged prematurely…

8 years ago